Just In
for Hard Love

9/28/2017 c22 Guest
Continue... Plss it's awesome
9/20/2017 c22 Guest
Thank you for writing again!
9/13/2017 c22 cathyscloud9
Wow! Fantastic
9/13/2017 c22 9NarHina
Yes Naruto and Hinata finally did and they are officially married with no way out hopefully. More of Danzo's dealing will be revealed and who is the spy in their mist.

Naruto and Hinata Forever:)
9/12/2017 c22 ItsOnlyLuna
Ahhh soo good thanks for the update
9/11/2017 c21 kencalyx
more naruhina please
9/10/2017 c21 ItsOnlyLuna
Awe cute thanks for the update
9/10/2017 c21 gio08
I LIVEEEE. lol. I just got power back now. hopefully it lasts. Now to figure out how to get the tree out of my roof
9/10/2017 c21 11nightwind83
ya update, dont worry were willomg wait
9/10/2017 c21 Guest
Poor Hinata... (T︵T)
9/10/2017 c21 9NarHina
Loved it, now that they signed the contract Danzo's plans are going to be ruined, but I have a feeling that before they can make it official something is going to happen to Shika's dad and the contract I hope that isn't the case.

I can't wait for next chapter, now that we finally got another.

Naruto and Hinata Forever:)
9/10/2017 c21 saby22
yasss! finally an update!
8/31/2017 c21 Guest
One of the best naruhina fanfic i've ever read!
Please please please update soon..cant wait to see how the story goes!
Thank you~~
8/14/2017 c21 1AnonnymA
Just finished the most recent chapter. I'm quite enjoying your unique style of character and event telling! Great job.

Can't wait to see where you take it
7/29/2017 c2 9sd74
Okay... so far this doesn't follow the narutoverse-storyline. Does that include Root? Moon Eye Plan (lazy to look up *wink terrible
joke wink* the correct/jap name)? And Summons?

Random Note: Lucky that this story has no special powers like certain Mafia Anime. (So far I only know of 2 series).
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