Just In
for Hard Love

3/6/2016 c8 cathyscloud9
I can't wait for the update!
3/6/2016 c7 cathyscloud9
awesome chapter! What happened to Naruto!? I must know! Thanks for the update!
3/6/2016 c8 JuNo-C7
Aww, cliffhanger.. update more please..
3/6/2016 c8 Majin-kun
Hmm, I wonder who "them" are.

While the main suspect is Sakura...I believe it will be Anko and Kurenai.
3/6/2016 c8 Guest
Fuck your cliffhangers! The fucking story is so fucking good, please just fucking update soon!
3/6/2016 c8 4heavydestro
3/6/2016 c8 11nightwind83
its a good chapter
3/6/2016 c8 kazuki2292
Hmm, why i feel she is the pink banshee?
3/6/2016 c8 Angi sleeps
Oh I can't wait to know what happens next!
Og I hope you update soon !
3/6/2016 c8 Ashi p
. I can't wait to know what happened update soon! .
3/6/2016 c8 3Hyuuga Hitomichan
Ur new plot is sooo much more interesting than thd previous one...besides ur speed of updating is really making up for the wait all this time...great job...plz update soon...m dying to kno wat happened in his past
3/6/2016 c8 9NarHina
Liked the slight Naruto and Hinata and how he just broke down very emotional can't wait to see the reason why.

Naruto and Hinata Forever:)
3/6/2016 c8 5Rose Tiger
What the hell happened to Naruto?
3/6/2016 c8 Lovelygeek7
So good! I love this story! Please update soon!
3/6/2016 c8 gummy b3ars
I think I'm going to kill sakura for whatever she did to him...she deserves to be punish. I hope minato and kushina would be able to find her after they learn the truth.
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