Just In
for Hard Love

2/15/2016 c4 Guest
Please update soon!
2/14/2016 c3 CANON SHIPPER
First of all am not attacking you or bashing your stories
i care about your writing and your storie which is why we all review it.

I find it whole Hiashi and the Elder thing weird maybe because 'I' don't believe it
(HA HA believe it),
When did whole money obsession come to play and selling out his daughter?
in your the Hyuga ARE bad people or dead

Minato and Hiroshi conversation that it would safer for Hinata to with them while Naruto is/in the middle forcing/raping her.

Naruto new obsession with her a Hinata BUT I get that HE love and protect her from Toneri which I believe that he the kill Hiashi.

Second Sorry it was not my intention to make like you had to defend yourself I too not fan of NaruSaku but like Sakura.

Your Good-Writer with stroy ideas. so SORRY.(dont hate me):
Maybe I need a FF account.
2/12/2016 c4 Guest
Yes i hate narusaku, is fine story and I like it!
Sakura is nuisance and annoying, i hate her character!
2/12/2016 c4 cathyscloud9
i just found your story and enjoyed reading. Thanks!
2/12/2016 c4 5Rose Tiger
Naruto better treat Hinata right after what he did.
2/11/2016 c3 beththeboss
i have a question that i need to know immediately...did Naruto actually enter hinata..or like just grinded his (u know) on her vjj...? weird question i know but bear with me (no pun intended)
2/10/2016 c3 Guest
I'm really enjoying this story. I hope you update soon!
2/9/2016 c3 Guest
How will naruto treat her after that? Can't wait for it
2/9/2016 c3 Guest
This is the most angsting of,all angsting in all of my life i read in naruhina storys not the fact you are fucking insane but i wont judge you that this is a pretty interesting story just hope naruto can be a little more kind th oher after what he just done pretty sure chapter 4 would be coming out soon since you written the whole god damn storyline.
2/9/2016 c3 urra94
I love this chapter! I want some more. Please I hope you can make it quick. Anyway, I think that is Toneri who kill Hiashi doesn'it? And I really wanna read the update of Demon Fox Lover. Hope I can read the new chapter soon. All your NaruHina story is my favourite. Keep the updating! :)
2/9/2016 c2 NH SHIPPER
Naruto being rough with Hinata can how fragile she with the hole beating her father and claiming her lifeyhood moving in a unknown house with nothing but guy. I hope Hisashi for was protected his daughter from the elder and Minato but we found out I guess.
I hope Naruto dont go thought with forcing Hinata like the first But he might.
I Repair(sure not the right spelling)for what you got plan ahead

Had a feeling it was Sakura that was why Naruto is was mess up
just try not to bash Sakura too bad with what way you going play this,
If Naruto DID chase after her
I know you not a fan of Sakura but just try respectful her alittle.
2/9/2016 c3 Rose Tiger
What Naruto is doing is called abuse! Stop hurting Hinata!
2/9/2016 c2 Reasonable man
I hope this will not escalade into rape. I hate rape.
2/8/2016 c2 jeana986
This story is really well written and I love the concept please continue
2/8/2016 c2 WindyCitySlayer1
Interesting please continue
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