Just In
for Hard Love

2/8/2016 c1 merrilady
Please keep this one going!
2/7/2016 c2 Gummybears
I liked how naruto is not so harsh on her, not like on your prev fic, and also I like how timid and reserve hinata here, just like the real one on anime
2/7/2016 c1 Gummybears
I liked this than the first one
2/6/2016 c2 mikyapixie
Awesome chapter can't wait for the next one
2/6/2016 c2 5Rose Tiger
Naruto is being a jackass!
2/6/2016 c2 urra94
I very love this chapter. And I really wanna read NaruHina smut in this as soon as possible. I hope it will happen in chapter 3 but this all is your story so up to you. But I really wanna read the smut and hope you can make it quick. I hope you will update it as quick as you can. But take your times though. And I really wanna know what happen.
2/6/2016 c2 Guest
narato's an abusive rapist!
2/6/2016 c2 HjLostDreams
Great chapter!

What kind of brothel does he run? In the sense that its voluntary or he forces women and children in it. I think its the latter because Kakashi had ask if he was putting her in the shop, I'm assuming the 'shop' is the brothel
2/6/2016 c1 Yui
Oh my...
Already very angsty. I like your concept, it's very different from other fanfics (since it's an AU) and is really really interesting!
2/5/2016 c1 urra94
I love all your story honey. And this one, you must continue and finish it. It's the great and amazing start. So I'm waiting for the next chapter. :)
2/5/2016 c1 7
I like it! Please continue soon :-)
2/4/2016 c1 NH FAN
Thank for rewriting/load this
2/4/2016 c1 gio08
Interesting start. Curious how she will react to her new sorroundings.
2/4/2016 c1 mikyapixie
The only thing that I don't like is that there are too many pov's
2/4/2016 c1 HjLostDreams
Love the rewrite!

Though what kind of illegal dealings does Minato participate in? I'm thinking sex slavery, child pornography, child abuse, child sex trafficking, drugs. They come across as the sort who doesn't give damn bout others. Those are the type of crimes that accompanies that mindset.

I thought it was hilarious when he pretended to care about Hinata and in not even a minute he hands her off like a sex toy
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