Just In
for Vices

8/2/2021 c7 i heart clash
Ahhh so into this story! Even unfinished, thank you for the lovely read :)3
7/8/2021 c7 CancerMoon
I hope everything's well with you 3 and I hope you find the words and the inspiration to continue this story one day. God knows we need all the fics we can get to escape this reality just for a little while...
9/24/2020 c7 piccolini.cuscino
I'm hooked! And hitting that follow button on the off chance you'll get to update it again. Would love to know what happens next and how it leads to the preface!
3/29/2020 c7 CancerMoon
Please come back :( this story has so much potential, and your writing is so good...
9/14/2019 c7 Guest
Hope you decide to finish this one day! I just read it again and you said in your author’s note that you’d already finished it, hopefully we’ll get it all one day c:
9/1/2019 c7 90'sFerrari
Pleeease pretty pleeease update this story! It's too magnetic not too! Now is the perfect time, September: end of summer sadness and nostalgia, shorts and hoodies, hurricane season and still finding sand and movie tickets in our pockets! Month of inspiration for sure! Good luck xoxo
4/8/2019 c7 Mary jane
Hi, love the storyline. I'm excited to read more, I live for olderwards! Will you be continuing this story?
4/1/2019 c7 Guest
She is a brat...i really wish you wouldnt leave your stories hanging. :(
3/22/2019 c7 smokingcoffee
I love this story, and I hope you get inspiration to update it soon!
11/15/2018 c7 57cleopatra champagne
I love this story so much. It's really good.
11/13/2018 c7 Guest
Fingers crossed you might update this one too! I love the way you write fights.
11/10/2018 c7 Kimmi
Lol ur author‘s note at the end. Same ...i love heavy-hearted-jealousy-arguments :(
11/10/2018 c1 Kimmi
Ive been sleeping on this story AND ur writing skills.
6/28/2018 c4 Guest
Are you gonna continue this story? I missed it so much! Pleaaaase! Come back to us!
6/7/2018 c7 Analitica
I love possessive, jealous Edward. I Hope bella doesn't succumb easily to him. Please update soon.
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