7/16/2017 c6 Guest
This is AMAZING but i want to know was Levi there if he wasnt i want to know eren's reaction and keep up the good work
This is AMAZING but i want to know was Levi there if he wasnt i want to know eren's reaction and keep up the good work
6/18/2017 c6
I hope you continue. This is really good. I hope Eren and Armin get to return to the walls eventually!

I hope you continue. This is really good. I hope Eren and Armin get to return to the walls eventually!
10/25/2015 c2 Aurora - Kitsune Lord Of Fire
You fucking fangirls and your love for fucking yaoi, you sick fucking bitches!
You fucking fangirls and your love for fucking yaoi, you sick fucking bitches!
10/4/2015 c6 Teemine
Hahaha giving birth? Well it doesnt seem impossible since she was in pain and relief - I guess this is possible from now on? And doesnt the "Titan predicts cable shot thing" seems familiar?
Hahaha giving birth? Well it doesnt seem impossible since she was in pain and relief - I guess this is possible from now on? And doesnt the "Titan predicts cable shot thing" seems familiar?
10/4/2015 c5 Teemine
ONLY BREAK A LEG... Hmm i should try that with leaves at the bottom... And eating something suspicious... Maybe a Titans nape? - Titan Zombies!
ONLY BREAK A LEG... Hmm i should try that with leaves at the bottom... And eating something suspicious... Maybe a Titans nape? - Titan Zombies!
10/4/2015 c4 Teemine
Your probably not seeing this but haha poor Hange Zoƫ - Shitty glasses i think? That was funny and it sounds like the titans wants a relationship with Armin... Hahah awesome chapter!
Your probably not seeing this but haha poor Hange Zoƫ - Shitty glasses i think? That was funny and it sounds like the titans wants a relationship with Armin... Hahah awesome chapter!
10/4/2015 c3 Teemine
HAY MARCO POLO IS IN! Hahaha nice ending xD Secret characters coming in all over the place thatssssssss cool!
HAY MARCO POLO IS IN! Hahaha nice ending xD Secret characters coming in all over the place thatssssssss cool!
10/4/2015 c2 Teemine
Hahaha this is actually funny! No not the words or story more like the one making the story up :D... Natural mistakes?
Hahaha this is actually funny! No not the words or story more like the one making the story up :D... Natural mistakes?
10/4/2015 c1 Teemine
I wonder if this would popup if im not logged in... AHH well! Anyways this is a great first chapter i kinda like it altough i hate reading such long stuff hahaha... Keep it coming!
I wonder if this would popup if im not logged in... AHH well! Anyways this is a great first chapter i kinda like it altough i hate reading such long stuff hahaha... Keep it coming!
10/1/2015 c6 Guest
Yay! :D
Yay! :D
8/21/2015 c5 Guest
Why is this rated K for Kids. -_-
Why is this rated K for Kids. -_-
8/21/2015 c1 Guest
Misaka would just follow eren. The reasom she served the corps was to protect eren
Misaka would just follow eren. The reasom she served the corps was to protect eren
8/4/2015 c5 Guest
This is really good, I hope you continue. :)
This is really good, I hope you continue. :)
8/2/2015 c5 Guest
I love this, I look forward to reading future chapters :)
I love this, I look forward to reading future chapters :)