Just In
for The Thin Line Between Right and Wrong

7/16/2017 c6 Guest
This is AMAZING but i want to know was Levi there if he wasnt i want to know eren's reaction and keep up the good work
6/19/2017 c6 1E.C.B cameron
can you continue please this is good
6/18/2017 c6 10ytredgfd
I hope you continue. This is really good. I hope Eren and Armin get to return to the walls eventually!
10/25/2015 c2 Aurora - Kitsune Lord Of Fire
You fucking fangirls and your love for fucking yaoi, you sick fucking bitches!
10/4/2015 c6 Teemine
Hahaha giving birth? Well it doesnt seem impossible since she was in pain and relief - I guess this is possible from now on? And doesnt the "Titan predicts cable shot thing" seems familiar?
10/4/2015 c5 Teemine
ONLY BREAK A LEG... Hmm i should try that with leaves at the bottom... And eating something suspicious... Maybe a Titans nape? - Titan Zombies!
10/4/2015 c4 Teemine
Your probably not seeing this but haha poor Hange Zoƫ - Shitty glasses i think? That was funny and it sounds like the titans wants a relationship with Armin... Hahah awesome chapter!
10/4/2015 c3 Teemine
HAY MARCO POLO IS IN! Hahaha nice ending xD Secret characters coming in all over the place thatssssssss cool!
10/4/2015 c2 Teemine
Hahaha this is actually funny! No not the words or story more like the one making the story up :D... Natural mistakes?
10/4/2015 c1 Teemine
I wonder if this would popup if im not logged in... AHH well! Anyways this is a great first chapter i kinda like it altough i hate reading such long stuff hahaha... Keep it coming!
10/1/2015 c6 Guest
Yay! :D
8/21/2015 c5 Guest
Why is this rated K for Kids. -_-
8/21/2015 c1 Guest
Misaka would just follow eren. The reasom she served the corps was to protect eren
8/4/2015 c5 Guest
This is really good, I hope you continue. :)
8/2/2015 c5 Guest
I love this, I look forward to reading future chapters :)
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