Just In
for Shark infested waters

7/28/2015 c2 Guest
Please continue this it's good
7/22/2015 c2 10inuyashamunkey
this chapter was rlly good i look forward to the next
7/22/2015 c2 5Nella Moonblood Royalle
Oh globe...tis story iz cho cute, arghhhhhg!
Thanks 4 d update, i was sooooo looking forward 4 tis story!
Hope u will update in d near future *praying*
Ganbatte neeee
7/9/2015 c1 3Darkpathway
We all are nerds for different things oh btw do U like pet week? Anyway really good idea and komui really is going to die... maybe unless a certain ship that is yet to sail is involved... *evil laughter*
7/8/2015 c1 10inuyashamunkey
i rlly like this so far, its amazing beyond words im hoping u will do more

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