Just In
for Red as the Dawn

11/19/2019 c1 Silver Star Blade
Hey there it’s ya girl, back for my monthly reread
3/21/2019 c16 Silver Star Blade
Ouch my heart!
6/5/2018 c2 Guest
this is my first time reading fanfiction and i thought i wouldnt like the way it was writte because it would be different from the books but i actually really liked the way it was written and how chapter one started off:)️
3/2/2018 c17 4Riza-4789
I enjoyed reading book 1! I will say that having read up to kings cage\including the novellas, that it was a lot harder to get on board with some of your creative choices. But In the end, I was really happy with having given your story a shot! You are great with favorite was probably when he asked her what the plan was and she responded with what plan? I thought you had a plan, etc (not verbatim). Very much reflective of their relationship :) marecal forever.
2/11/2018 c17 1swanfantasy
Evangeline is kind of annoying. Can she die, please?
9/7/2016 c6 Mare
I really liked this chapter Maggie sounds adorable and mare and cal sound like they would make great parents!
9/3/2016 c8 E.M. Laine
That last scene legitimately gave me chills!
9/3/2016 c7 E.M. Laine
I loved this chapter! You have a talent for describing things - settings, emotions, and everything in between. I'm really enjoying this story.
8/30/2016 c6 E.M. Laine
This chapter made my soul ascend, I have so many feelings. And Maggie trying to get Cal and Mare to work things out is #relatable what a hero
8/28/2016 c2 E.M. Laine
This chapter is so good and I'm so excited to keep reading! I wanted to start reading this story sooner but I kept putting it off, which was obviously a huge mistake because I'm already hooked after 1 chapter. Your storytelling and characterization is so well done and I congratulate you on that.
8/27/2016 c1 E.M. Laine
I can't wait to read this story! I've seen it recommended a couple times and the summary/intro is very intriguing. I'm so strangely infuriated to see Maven described as "The Flame of the North" lol.
7/7/2016 c17 3LittleDragonWrites
My finals words would be Red as the dawn is an amazing story and that I can't wait to read the sequel which is called Silver as the sword (or something like that) if I remember well but as it is past 4am I should probably get some sleep first ;) THIS STORY WAS ANAZING ! I LOVED IT SOOO MUCH !
7/7/2016 c12 LittleDragonWrites
The end of this chapter ! OMG ;)))))))) Go, go Phoenix Legion !
7/7/2016 c9 LittleDragonWrites
I loved this chapter ! Especially the part with Cal's POV it was so beautifully written ;) This chapter is my favorite so far!
7/7/2016 c6 LittleDragonWrites
"you're not a monster Mare. A monster doesn't feel guilt." I'm actually in love with this quote ! It's so simple but so great (and so Cal!) at the same time !
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