5/7/2017 c1
NOOO! Arianna's died?! The whole thing about Golden Garden's failure to treat her illness made it even sadder. Poor Luke...

NOOO! Arianna's died?! The whole thing about Golden Garden's failure to treat her illness made it even sadder. Poor Luke...
1/7/2017 c1
"Sniffles, wipes eye* Beautiful. Some men, even kind men, who are "proper" don't know how to handle emotional and sensitive things like this, but the Professor does alright when he needs to.

"Sniffles, wipes eye* Beautiful. Some men, even kind men, who are "proper" don't know how to handle emotional and sensitive things like this, but the Professor does alright when he needs to.
10/23/2015 c1
D: I read through that so fast but my eyes are already watering.
It was pretty sweet, but also sad.

D: I read through that so fast but my eyes are already watering.
It was pretty sweet, but also sad.
8/12/2015 c1 Annomynous
I can sort of relate with Layton and Luke with this story. Like Luke, I had suffered the lost of someone very close to me; and like Layton, I honestly don't know how to help comfort someone when they are hurting. Personally, I think Layton made a wise mood, and hopefully Luke would be able to look up at the stars with a smile on his face.
Keep up the good work!
I can sort of relate with Layton and Luke with this story. Like Luke, I had suffered the lost of someone very close to me; and like Layton, I honestly don't know how to help comfort someone when they are hurting. Personally, I think Layton made a wise mood, and hopefully Luke would be able to look up at the stars with a smile on his face.
Keep up the good work!
7/12/2015 c1
Awww! That was so sad! I never thought about what would happen with her illness after LS, but this... Wow. This is good. :(

Awww! That was so sad! I never thought about what would happen with her illness after LS, but this... Wow. This is good. :(