Just In
for The Brightest Star

5/7/2017 c1 8Laytonerd
NOOO! Arianna's died?! The whole thing about Golden Garden's failure to treat her illness made it even sadder. Poor Luke...
1/7/2017 c1 45WorldsWorthWords
"Sniffles, wipes eye* Beautiful. Some men, even kind men, who are "proper" don't know how to handle emotional and sensitive things like this, but the Professor does alright when he needs to.
10/23/2015 c1 13Lumos314
D: I read through that so fast but my eyes are already watering.
It was pretty sweet, but also sad.
8/12/2015 c1 Annomynous
I can sort of relate with Layton and Luke with this story. Like Luke, I had suffered the lost of someone very close to me; and like Layton, I honestly don't know how to help comfort someone when they are hurting. Personally, I think Layton made a wise mood, and hopefully Luke would be able to look up at the stars with a smile on his face.

Keep up the good work!
7/12/2015 c1 6Descole'sApprentice
Poor Luke! :,( Made me cry inside. Good story!
7/12/2015 c1 17LittleBrotherSocket
Awww! That was so sad! I never thought about what would happen with her illness after LS, but this... Wow. This is good. :(

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