Just In
for Twisting the Kaleidoscope

8/2/2015 c2 sneak13579
8/2/2015 c2 Allhailthesith
Please for the love of (your favorite thing) please continue!
8/1/2015 c2 Doom Marine 54
I also love how you're trying to desperately convince yourself and everyone else that what I think doesn't bother you. That my opinion of your garbage stories makes you laugh, even though you're so insecure about it that you need to actually acknowledge how much "you don't care" what I think. Yeah you're not fooling anyone. Also on a personal note I hate how you think you're funny because of your "random humor" like how you'll just say yolo apprapo of nothing because you think it's funny. Let me be perfectly clear. You're neither funny nor a good writer. You're 'comedy' and 'stories' cater to the lowest common denominator which is why they only get a couple dozen reviews at most when actually good stories, like "Time is the Path to True Strength" an infinitely better Natsu time travel story has over 1000 reviews.
8/1/2015 c1 Doom Marine 54
This story is nothing but a lame male power fantasy by some lonely virgin who has a creepy relationship with his sister.
8/1/2015 c2 2Seal-Sama
Okay so this story is effin epic, the incest moments were funny XD, though if not to much please make the chapters more longer and as for natsu,he should stay in fairy tail guild or just travel the world, other than that nice chapter looking forward to more good luck
7/31/2015 c2 SirNarwhal
Mice story
7/31/2015 c2 BlackDragonShinigami
Daamn. I hope you somehow mix in zeref and kami-chan in the harem. Anyway. I love this story
7/31/2015 c2 Zechs-DXD
Nice chapter and can you make him a guild with zeref as the steongest mage in there like gildarts
7/31/2015 c2 frozem1
I liked the chapter!
7/30/2015 c2 Xearthes
Great chap!
7/30/2015 c2 6Lightningblade49
got to say this looks like it's going to get exciting especially when acnologia arrives could it be perfect Susanoo vs Aconolgia.
7/30/2015 c2 12FreshSlateWriter
Oh man, this story is just awesome! Looking forward to more. Maybe Natsu should start his own guild. A harem guild with FemZeref as one of the members.
7/30/2015 c2 TheLazyFangirl
Piffle. *chews on living sushis* write some more.
7/30/2015 c2 OneRandomPersonOnTheInternet
Keep him with Fairy Tail, also, Will there eventually be Lemons for Zeref-chan and Natsu-kun? *I say this with a Perverted Grin and a Nosebleed.*
7/30/2015 c2 shaky1997
please update this story soon it's great and I like it a lot
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