Just In
for Arrow's Flashpoint (Being Rewritten)

7/27/2017 c1 Silvers003
I actually wanted to be a certain point where all of our kisses Sebastian thinking that it was very and Barry gets really pissed and conscious Sebastian
7/14/2017 c20 Guest
7/15/2017 c20 5ffrog
I love this story so much! There is so much development within the stories and characters, and there have been so many moments where I just want to ball my eyes out. Amazing writing skills. Im very jealous.
I love the idea of Sebastian Smythe being Barry's brother, and I cannot wait for Sebastion to meet Oliver.

Love the story.
7/13/2017 c9 Silvers003
Moonshimmer Shadow-phonix... You just murdered with this chapter... You are really an amazing chapter
5/26/2017 c20 3fabron.ereese
Wow it is already 2017. And it took 2 years for this story to be On Hold. Have you tried posting this to Archive of our own? And what confuses me is that Oliver loves both Barry and Felicity? It doesn't make any sense to me. And I can't wait for them to see Sebastian on flesh. Hope you are okay and will be back soon.
4/9/2017 c1 2Bloodrednight25
Well this is one of the best olivarry fanfic I've read in a long time. I hope it doesn't stay on hold for much longer. You have a piece of artwork that must be finished.
1/5/2017 c20 23Rori Potter
Oh wow. Poor Barry. What a mess for both of them. Is Oliver an idiot? Professional really? Update soon.
12/22/2016 c20 1Olivarry8669
I love it. I can't wait to see what happens next hope you add to it soon.
10/28/2016 c20 29YokaiAngel
9/30/2016 c20 d
More please
8/20/2016 c19 2obsedian-dream
you know that study just says there is a one in two chance of being gay if your twin is right? isn't that the same for everyone ... one chance in two as in gay or not gay... ?
8/20/2016 c20 obsedian-dream
I know this story is on hold and all but please continue I realy love it
8/20/2016 c19 obsedian-dream
you know that study just says there is a one in two chance of being gay if your twin is right? isn't that the same for everyone ... one chance in two as in gay or not gay... ?
8/9/2016 c20 Guest
Please tell me you are going to continue this! I'm still really excited about what is going to happen and I can't wait :)

I read the whole story again and I need to read more! :)
I will be there to motivate you if you want! haha :D

Please update soon!
-AkiraNagashima (couldn't review twice :P)
7/25/2016 c20 1desacori
I hope you keep writing this story, you have me hooked. I can't wait to see what you have planned to happen next
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