Just In
for Arrow's Flashpoint (Being Rewritten)

10/19/2015 c20 YamiLuna
Please continue writing this story.
10/14/2015 c20 Steviebaby88
So can't wait for this to be updated! It feels like it has been forever!
10/15/2015 c20 7Kingdom Hearts Slayer
nice keep going it good
10/12/2015 c20 2AlexaRainForest
AHH I CANT WAIT they're finally getting together! Even Roy knew about them that's shows some thing XDD this is one of my favorite stories , update soon !
10/9/2015 c20 joeannthorn
I'm a Korean big fan of Flash & Arrow :) Thanks for your writing!
9/25/2015 c20 22SexyForMySkirt
Pleeeeease update soooon! :)
I must read more!
Gahhhh you make me ship it so hard! And I love the inclusion of Sebastian (just wondering if any other Glee characters will be making it into the story?) and and... UHHHHG!
I'm done. Please update this awesomeness.
9/10/2015 c20 Fan
I love this story! Please keep up the good work and update soon :)
9/6/2015 c20 onceuponaprincess16
Holy shitttttttt they just need to get together. Oliver don't blow itttttt
9/3/2015 c20 3Characteristic
oml i love this and i spent like all night reading this xD lol please update soon
8/30/2015 c20 Dylan
Great chapter! Keeep up
8/29/2015 c20 1AkiraNagashima
Can't wait for Sebastian and Oliver to meet :D
Oh and I just thought I would love to read how Oliver hears Barry singing. Maybe you can bring this up :)
Anyways I really liked the Chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one!
8/29/2015 c20 maxiefae
It's so sad that I have lost respect for Felicity on the show in a way she has become Olivers clown :(
8/26/2015 c19 Dylan
Well id take say that barry takes bas to starling with him...and felicity tells them what oliver is going to do...then barry is super sad and depressed about him maybe loosing ollie and then sebastian helps barry
8/27/2015 c19 AkiraNagashima
Began to read your story on Monday and I absolutely love it! Distracted me from work the wohle week :D
For the Options I actually can't decide because I want to read both POVs :)
I am really excited about how Oliver reacts When he meet Sebastian. Especially If Bas and Barry do some twin things like mirroring (does this wird exist? :D) or something.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
8/25/2015 c19 Phantom heir daughter of Zeus
Do Option A please, its time for the brother and boyfriend to meet. Make Sebastian threaten Oliver please
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