Just In
for Arrow's Flashpoint (Being Rewritten)

8/25/2015 c19 6Boop-Ba-Doop
'Optiion' A sounds good ;)
8/24/2015 c19 maxiefae
8/22/2015 c18 3LivMore
Aaaah! This cliffhanger though! And I loved Barry being a silly show-off to Oliver.
8/22/2015 c18 Phantom heir daughter of Zeus
OH Barry in trouble with big brother Sebastian and we have a protective Oliver now. Great chapter.
8/21/2015 c17 3Barrel84
Great too i can t wait to see what s happening next how their relatiinship will evovle...
8/19/2015 c17 3LivMore
Poor Barry. Why does he have to hurt so much? I love the chapter though!
8/19/2015 c17 Dylan

Please add more breakdowns! I love it when ollie comforts him!

You rock! Keep up writing
8/19/2015 c17 23Rori Potter
Oh my. Wow. Poor Barry. Update soon.
8/19/2015 c17 maxiefae
Is it weird that I want Oliver to meet Sebastian and for them not to like each other
8/17/2015 c16 13BladeMaxwell-GoddessofDeath
Great read
I like that you are adding your own metas in and storyline
It makes it really interesting.
I enjoy the way this is going and I'm looking forward to seeing what is next
8/17/2015 c16 3LivMore
Secret reveal time is coming up! That's actually my favorite trope to read, like, ever. And, aw! Domestic Barry is adorable. I'm pumped for the next chapter.

Keep it up!
8/16/2015 c16 saito8496
Kudos. Keep it up, your characters personality maybe a bit different from the show, but it is believable when you read the whole story.
8/16/2015 c16 Dylan

I remember reading the part where oliver kissed barry for the first time...i felt butterflies! Well trough the whole story butterflies because GOD its a good story! Love it soooo much,,,,,,...

keep up with the good writing and im loving the long chapters! And i hope the story wil be alot more focussed on ollieXbarry love!
8/15/2015 c15 Dylan
Oh my are a amzing writer! I love this story is amazing

maybe barry should like wake up confused and he screams then ollie comforts him

Whatever you write...its still gonna be good*** you have my support
8/16/2015 c1 3Barrel84
Totally love that story can t read to read more... i m checking everyday thanks for your wofk!l
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