Just In
for Arrow's Flashpoint (Being Rewritten)

8/14/2015 c15 54Laura Scofield
I've only just watched the Arrow/Flash crossover in Series 2 of Arrow, and I immediately loved the idea of Oliver and Barry as a pairing. You've captured the characters wonderfully, as well as effectively portraying a range of difficult topics. I read this all in one sitting - its been a long time since a fanfiction has had me so captivated! I cannot wait to read more, please update soon :D
8/8/2015 c15 16donnabella2k7
Oh don't it Oliver. Save yourself! xD btw, I can't wait for Seb to make an appearance. Just giddy for it. xD
8/8/2015 c15 maxiefae
8/8/2015 c15 3LivMore
I can't get enough of this! Imagine my happy surprise when you updated /as/ I was reading chapter 13! I'm so glad there's more Barry/Oliver. I started reading it because there was a summary on ao3 that sounded appealing to me, and I told myself that I could suck it up for the sake of a good fic. Now I'm here, actively searching for new material... I love everything about this. And, oh my goddesses, does this mean that Oliver will finally realize that "brother" actually means "twin"? I've been waiting for this moment forever! Well, not forever seeing as how I just started last night (this morning? God, what time is it?). Keep up your amazing writing! I hope to see an update, no pressure, though.
8/7/2015 c14 3The American Ace
This is so good! Thank you so much for updating as quickly as you do. I can't wait for the next chapter. This is probably one of my new favorite stories. Please keep it up.
8/7/2015 c14 maxiefae
Barry should've been able to save himself. He's not weak nor is he A person who gives up no I'm not completely unhappy that Oliver saved him but I have a feeling barry should've saved himself
8/6/2015 c13 23Rori Potter
Interesting. Update soon.
7/30/2015 c9 5friedriceforlife
I loved this chapter! Catlin in the beginning was just priceless, I laughed out loud when Oliver was all, 'Barry works with a crazy person.' It was soooo funny! I was also super happy when they kissed but they Oliver was Oliver. It was so typical of him to be all 'We can't do this.' and hurt Barry's feelings. I hope they get together for real soon! I also really want to see some sad Barry and everyone being all concerned then realizing what happened and being mad at Oliver. I can just picture Joe going all protective Dad on Oliver. Anyway I hope you update soon because this fic is amazing!
7/27/2015 c8 3Dina Eragon Black
Thank god that Oliver is beginin to Fall for Barry. He os cute jeoulos.
7/26/2015 c7 23Rori Potter
Oh my. Interesting. Update soon.
7/26/2015 c7 5friedriceforlife
This is a great fic and I can't wait for an update!
7/25/2015 c6 23Rori Potter
Wow. They are falling slowly for each other. Does Oliver even realize that yet? Update soon.
7/24/2015 c5 LiselleVelvet
Interesting, bringing Sebastian in as more than a passing mention although he does serve as a good foil for Barry as a button-pusher who enjoys making people uncomfortable. Poor Cisco, seriously. And Barry probably should have called, or at least emailed his brother.

Great job expanding the roof scene, since the show comes in when the discussion is mostly over (does Felicity still eavesdrop over the comm?) I found this part of the show really interesting, because you have Barry, who runs to Oliver (someone he met for only a few days, and who spent most of that time actively not liking him) for advice, and Oliver, all around untrusting and grumpyfaced, agreeing to meet Barry immediately, and bantering/flirting with him while in full Arrow mode. They just have such great chemistry! Looking forward to more (and wondering if you considered posting on AO3 as well, that community is very supportive and good with reviewing)
7/24/2015 c5 Rori Potter
Wow. That was amazing. Update soon.
7/22/2015 c4 Rori Potter
Wow. Update soon.
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