Just In
for A Hundred Snapshots of Their Lost Future

9/6/2019 c18 Guest
emmy and luke saying hello
7/7/2019 c18 2Ninjacolin2000
My word request: Luke

I hope you'll continue this fic! It really feels like a blanket of a simple story. It's enjoyable without being complicated or long, its pure wholesome family time. I haven't seen any cute, wholesome fics like this for Layton, and I think we need more.
12/4/2018 c18 134The Mocking J
I'm very happy you did publish this because it was ADORABLE. Glad to see this fic is still being updated!
11/16/2018 c18 BlindGamerMisadventures
This just filled me with all kind of family feels. I love this. Layton truly deserved this. Please keep up the great work! As for prompts hmmm...: Archeology, Parenthood,, Siblings, First Day of School, Nightmare, and Exams. Hope one of these sparks a new idea!
9/1/2018 c18 45WorldsWorthWords
Nicely written, especially the description of the baby, you know it's surprisingly hard to describe a baby without it sounding weird for some reason (or maybe it's just me). Anyway, nice to see some activity from you again! Hope your year gets better soon.

Also,my request word:
8/28/2018 c18 1ElegantPhoenix15
This is really cute! I'm glad your writing again! Keep up the good work!
12/28/2017 c13 Mudkip

(Also, I really love this series, it's very cute! I can imagine Lily and Luke being playmates, and Alfendi watching over them)
6/16/2017 c17 ElegantPhoenix15
This is a cute chapter. Keep up the good work!
3/21/2017 c17 Guest
In fact, that was SO cute that my word is...
3/5/2017 c17 165chloemcg
Awwwwwww, how sweet. This is a very sweet chapter! It's sweet that Alfendi gave his sister the teddy bear and it melts my heart because of it. Plus, Al is a very good big brother and has a very sweet tender side behind that pride of his. You capture that very well.

This was very well-created and it gave me warm fluffy feelings inside my heart! I'm happy to see that your back, btw, and thanks for doing this request because you have made it very well!

Well done!
3/5/2017 c17 4girlycathy
12/27/2016 c16 Guest
This was so funny! I love how Alfendi is although he's a little different but I suppose his parents are Hershel and Claire so he would be he's still crazy so I like that too! -!: lily is interesting and a good idea too.
12/24/2016 c16 Guest
Ahhh.. Alfendi's always the surprise guy! I like Lily rambling to say everything's alright about Lucy.
For a word, I suggest Glasses, or Wolf!
12/23/2016 c16 girlycathy

maybe you can do a New Years' piece?

9/23/2016 c14 15GeekyGenius
This is really cute. I really like how Claire was working in the ethics department, although it is sort of bittersweet due to how she died... As for a one word request (if you need any more) I have a clarinet on my left (although any musical instrument would probably do)
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