Just In
for Cousins?

7/23/2023 c6 PrimalWhiteStar
...I think I heard four to five different name for the MC...
7/23/2023 c1 PrimalWhiteStar
...a girl named Harry?
11/9/2018 c7 Guest
8/5/2018 c7 1RachaelYRebel
May I please adopt this story?
2/10/2018 c7 Argonaut986
No link means it has yet to be adopted. Due to a chronic need of writer’s termites, I can not, in good conscience, adopt a story that would only sit around gathering dust.
2/10/2018 c6 Argonaut986
Blair has some splaining to do.
2/10/2018 c5 Argonaut986
Things just got complicated.
2/10/2018 c4 Argonaut986
I don’t think Maka has it in her, to kill a kid.
2/10/2018 c3 Argonaut986
Like Vernon, like Dudley, like bully.
2/10/2018 c2 Argonaut986
I don’t like bullies, like Dudley.
2/10/2018 c1 Argonaut986
Death was probibly busy.
10/10/2016 c6 2GreenDrkness
Ha this story is becoming a hoot and a hanny
Keep on the writes
10/1/2016 c6 5MomoPeachFlower
I don't know own what to think of this ywt, not a huge fan of the gender bent Harry. But I am liking this story, so I think I will stick with it for now
9/26/2016 c6 KittyDitzyDancer
Please update soon! This is really good! The writing is clear and easy to read, the plot is defitely insteresting so far, and you brought the two worlds together quite well-which is not a very easy task. It's definitely one of my favorites so far.
8/20/2016 c6 pokemon-35055
good work
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