Just In
for Eyes of Despair

5/24/2020 c2 Sakura1607
Omg... The way you described Inuyasha as he asked Sesshoumaru for the favour was so sad... '(
12/8/2014 c2 66BlueRubyBeat
O.o That was deep! It was so sad! I'm glad for a happy ending though! :)
2/22/2012 c2 1Less Wrong
Well done. A good solution. I wish that more people saw it.
7/26/2009 c2 1IrisAyame
I just LOVE this story!

Thanks for writing it!
6/1/2009 c2 2BlackRoseFire
Damn... that was extremley deep. I loved it. I could see it happening to.
4/23/2009 c2 121dogbertcarroll
Not bad.
1/15/2009 c2 BlueDemon
Another fine fanfic done by you !

You sure have some talent :D
8/9/2008 c2 590928soubi at
heh heh. Sound-proof room...

Really nice fic.
6/19/2007 c2 9Silver Wolf Pups
this was really cool. keep up the good work.
2/15/2007 c1 7Gundam-Issac
Not much to say except i love the ending of chapter 1...
9/1/2006 c2 iloveanimecartoons
Um...*lets out a breath*...I LITERALLY trembled, reading this story! Not that 'Dude, that was pretty good' thingy, where u catch yourself with ur mouth open (which i NEARLY did, by the way), but a feeling...hard to describe...i guess i can say your story pulled me IN! i was completely taken over and i could NOT stop reading (until those last 3 cups of juice had their way with me-and i was SO mad, too, till i realized the storie's on MY notebook and it wasn't going anywhere; that, even in a blackout, i'd have 1 1/2 holurs of battery time, till it died on me, COMPLETELY. Maybe it grabbed me so deeply, not letting me go, your story, for what was playing on my PC-Honto No Ichiban and Hitotsudake (i had them playing over and over, before i happened upon your story. And, let me tell you, it set the mood something SERIOUS! My, my, my...i could envision EVERY word u wrote, as a mental projector displayed in living color all of the intensity, angst, vengence, sorrow, resentment, and, ultimately, the unsaid and very powerful! if this has no further chapters (which, i PRAY it does...PLZ!), you have ended this WONDERFULLY! leaving the reader, the InuKag fan smiling like a flea in a blood bank! (Now, WTH did THAT corny line come from? LOL!) I'm sorry if i'm gushing all over you, here...i just LOVE creativity and sorta envy ur skills. i usta want to tell stories and do cartoons and comic strips. it was the gift God gave me...but, i chose to stick with Poetry. so, soon i should be finished my first book (i'd be HONORED if u'd read some of it and give me an honest assay). wow is all i can say. i haven't been THIS blown away by a fanfic, since i read 'Strawberries' and 'Son of a Miko'. PLZ continue...u could REALLY go places, with your potential. and, if you stay true to ur pen and your love of the craft, you'll REALLY go far. if you EVER want a proofreader, feel free to email me! and, again, i say, "WOW!"
6/5/2006 c2 4kokoronagomu
powerful stuff!


WOW, what a rush! i got goose bumps!
3/31/2006 c2 1xwishful-thinkingx
aw how sweet lol keep on writing!
11/2/2005 c2 24omasuoniwabanshi
Sesshoumaru...altruistic? Decent even? I'm in shock!

But it's a good shock. I loved your description of good old Fluffy as an executive. The cut throat world of arms dealing suits him.

I also liked the way you described Inuyasha's death through Jaken's eyes. It was a bold, and unexpected choice, but it worked very well. The surprising twist at the end, and Sesshoumaru's even more surprising tact and consideration for his brother and Kagome rounded out the story nicely.

Thanks for your review of 'In the Shadows' and yes, the OAV really did mess up the seniority and ranking of the shinsengumi. Oh well, I guess Watsuki decided to utilize a little poetic license! Thanks again!
6/30/2005 c2 1inuyashaskris
I loved your fanfiction. It was kick ass.

from inuyashaskris
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