Just In
for A Thin Line Between Right and Wrong (also on SNK archive)

8/17/2021 c1 2TaliaAppiah
okay this is good butttttt we all know mikasa and if she stays that isn't mikasa, you know she gonna go with or like just sneak away the next day
6/19/2017 c6 1E.C.B cameron
can you continue please this is good
6/19/2017 c2 E.C.B cameron
wow cool
6/19/2017 c1 E.C.B cameron
9/25/2015 c5 NoDeactivateAcctButton
I finished this in 1 sitting.

The ending was perfect for chapter 5.

I like your humor and this story is great!

I'll patiently wait for more of your works as I can feel they are worth the wait :D

Well wishes!


Have you tried putting this in the SnK ?
7/31/2015 c5 Whitemage1998
I really like the concept and hope you keep updating that was a good way to end the chapter too
7/24/2015 c5 29Screaming Dean
I've read all five chapters in one sitting. It was pretty good. I'm surprised you don't have more reviews. Maybe you should put this in the Shingeki no Kyojin section instead of the Attack on titan section.

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