Just In
for NarutoJustice League Crossover Challenge

8/4/2016 c1 Guest
Naruto / Black Canary / Wonder Woman. That is the pairing i would like to see.
4/29/2016 c1 Guest
Does it have to be that Naruto is transported to The JLU. instead, should he be born in the JLU. and take on a heroic alter ego like Fire Shadow: The Ultimate Ninja Mage of Balanced Justice or Storm Paladin: The Magical Swordsman of Balanced Justice
7/23/2015 c1 more picks
why dont you add powergirl starfire raven and fire and ice to the mix because they almost never get get nthe pairing or in a harem with him and they are just as good as the others if not more
7/23/2015 c1 keyblade master cole
Naruto/Black Canary/Wonder Woman/Hawkgirl.

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