Just In
for Hint Coin Havoc

1/28/2017 c1 edenxx
That was hilarious! I really liked it and I could imagine Hershel and Claire's first date going like this
8/28/2016 c1 Ravenpuff
This was hilarious! I'm still laughing! I can definitely imagine him doing this. A hidden puzzle in a sandwich! This is great!
5/10/2016 c1 15I no longer remember
Random but hilarious. I absolutely love it.
7/26/2015 c1 11Xanthophlobic
Very smart! Great work!
7/25/2015 c1 just a guest
The ending was pure brilliance.
7/24/2015 c1 Guest
Oh my gosh. I died of laughter. I can't deal with this puzzle solving dork.
7/24/2015 c1 Mattix
Wow! That is brilliant! I laughed so much and it's an amazing idea. You write it in such a way that I can perfectly picture what's happening in my mind and even just thinking about makes me smirk, (I got some weird looks from the people on the bus with me because I started laughing when I first read this). You are my new favourite writer. Now it's time to read the rest of your stuff!
7/24/2015 c1 6Descole'sApprentice
Aww this story is so adorable! :)

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