Just In
for Faya one-shots

1/6/2016 c4 22sand1128
Option 1 sounds like it would be amazing
1/3/2016 c5 2ABEDFAN
So good
1/3/2016 c4 29Boris Yeltsin
Love the first 2, but, I'd have to go with idea 1.
Great oneshots you've got here.
1/2/2016 c4 Guest
I really like idea 1 and 3
1/2/2016 c4 Guest
Idea 1 sounds the best
1/2/2016 c4 3Mysterywriter24
1 or 3
1/2/2016 c4 2ABEDFAN
Love, Love, LOVE this chapter! I pick idea # 3
12/21/2015 c3 mylovesf24
oh my god this is so cute
12/21/2015 c3 ABEDFAN
9/23/2015 c2 AngelGirl
8/24/2015 c2 I am Red Hood
Aww I loved it! It's so cute!
8/18/2015 c2 Allie
Love this
8/10/2015 c2 shapeshifter1947
More! I love Markle! :D
8/10/2015 c2 29Boris Yeltsin
Loving it.
8/6/2015 c1 exhaustedsighofrelief
I love this and I love Faya and I really like your support for my Faya Rucas Children FanFic.
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