Just In
for A Hero Displaced

2/16/2021 c1 1GrayValkyrie
Whelp, nice work, now you only need to get off your ass after the six years you didn't update and post a new chapter. Would be much appreciated
9/3/2016 c1 hello
8/25/2016 c1 Guest
please update
8/6/2016 c1 5I'm not ofreakingkay
Wow. This story seems awesome.I can't wait for the update.
4/29/2016 c1 rick
really wish their was more to this one
3/22/2016 c1 Guest
Very good chapter
2/2/2016 c1 5Gamelover41592
this has potential
1/26/2016 c1 Domolikescookies
Omg this was AWESOME!
It would be amazing if you could continue this story cause I love it 3
I hope you will! XD
1/26/2016 c1 Rob
really wish there was more to this story
1/9/2016 c1 Guest
please keep going with this story
12/16/2015 c1 Nolifeking222
so are you going to continue writing this story
12/16/2015 c1 Guest
hey keep up this story i want to see what happens next
11/20/2015 c1 Guest
so was this a one off
11/16/2015 c1 Guest
so r u going to continue this or not because i hope u will
11/3/2015 c1 Guest
pleas keep going
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