Just In
for Until You're Safe

5/25/2017 c1 JustPassinBy

Holy cow, you are a GREAT writer! Poor Enjy, it was too cruel. But I loved how in-character you kept everyone, thank you for this amazing one shot! (any chance of you continuing it?)
11/8/2015 c1 42Phoenixflames12
This was adorable, my dear; absolutely adorable! I'd forgotten how much I love reading your take on Enjolras' and Combeferre's relationship, but this has brought it all back and thank you so much for writing it!
I love your depiction of the fraternal relationship between the rest of the amis and the final image of Courfeyrac, Combeferre and Enjolras is simply stunningly sweet and yet filled with just the right amount of pathos to tug at my heartstrings- well so done.
Much love,
Phoenixflames12 xxx
8/14/2015 c1 25KsandraMallan
Aww, Enj! Poor baby. *carefully cuddles him* Will there be more recovery stuff here? :3 You always do really good Enj!whump, as much as he's going to glare at me for saying that.

(Just a few minor notes, "he just layed there" should be "lay there", and "cut the tread" should be "cut the thread".)

But- a well-written little one-shot! :) Well done.
8/10/2015 c1 8Marius blowthebarricade
Awww, this was so good! Great story! I loved it!

First of all, you are a great writer and author. The writing itself was very captivating and well done. This story was very well written. The language, the dialogue, the descriptions, the way you illustrate the character’s emotions, everything was excellent. I felt like I was really there witnessing the whole thing. I could feel the emotions of the characters. From just this one chapter, I can tell that you are a great writer!

Now for the story. It was excellent. I really loved the story, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! I am so glad I decided to read it when I saw the notification pop up on my birthday! ;) I have been meaning to review for this story for a while; I just have not found the chance.

This story was so cute and touching but painful at the same time. You did a great job putting emotion into this. I fell so bad for poor Enjolras and for his friends, because they have to see him like this. It can be sometimes even more painful for the people who have to see their loved ones hurt. But I’m so glad that they are helping him. At least Enjolras has his friends. I’m sure that makes it easier to bear the pain. You can tell his friends really care a lot about him. They are so gentle, and kind, and compassionate with him. This story was so touching. He is fortunate to have friends like them.

One of my favorite parts was when Combeferre and Joly were about to treat Enjolras’s wounds, and they were both so afraid, because they knew that in order to help him they had to hurt Enjolras.

“‘Alright,’ Combeferre said softly, heart hammering in his chest. He hated seeing his best friend in pain and the fact that he and Joly were about to hurt him more, didn’t do much to sooth his nerves. ‘Alright… let’s start then.”’

I loved that passage so much. I could truthfully and deeply feel Combeferre’s pain. You did a great job illustrating it. I can only imagine how hard that had to be for him and Joly. They had to help Enjolras, who was already in terrible pain, but the only way to help him was to hurt him more first. That was painful not only for Enjolras but for Combeferre—having to hurt his best friend. I love it that you said Combeferre’s heart was pounding and that he was afraid. Not only does it show his character, but it also shows how much he cares about Enjolras. Anyway, I really liked that part. Greatly worded and illustrated. I could really feel that.

Also, I want to add that the characterization in this story was excellent. I think you captured and portrayed all of them so well. Especially Enjolras was very good: how he did not scream when they tortured him, how he tried not to show pain, how he tried to be strong, how he wanted to walk home by himself, how he tried not to cry. That is perfect characterization for Enjolras, the man of marble. You did a great job writing him.

Combeferre also was particularly in character: how he was so compassionate, and understanding, and gentle with Enjolras, his best friend, how he understood Enjolras so well, how he let him walk home even though he knew it was bad for his wounds because he knew how important it was to Enjolras. Again, great characterization. I loved Combeferre in this. Well done.

I want to comment also: the story of how and why Enjolras got arrested was great. That was perfect. I can imagine so well brave Enjolras stepping in to help the helpless, sacrificing himself for a woman he does not even know. That was excellent characterization and story. Enjolras trying to help a starving old woman, going to her aid, even offering to pay for the bread! And he still got arrested and tortured for it! That is not just at all, but we know the law was no exactly fair in this time, being that Jean Valjean went to prison for 19 years for stealing a loaf of bread for his starving family. But Enjolras is free now, and he has his friend to take care of him. I’m so glad for that.

This was a really great story. This deserves way more readers and reviews. I love this so much! I do not know if you are going to continue this story or if you are going to leave it as a one-shot (and if you do, it is still great!) but I would love to see you continue it. I think this has potential for a longer, really good and interesting story! Great job! Thank you so much for writing and posting this!
8/9/2015 c1 20shadows-of-1832
Punishments for the little things are sometimes so cruel. So glad Combeferre, Courfeyrac, and Joly helped him the way they did.
8/6/2015 c1 4dance-sing-live
I'm glad to see another fic from you! I loved it, as usual!

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