Just In
for Safe to Smile

6/5/2016 c1 36EmeraldWings1992
I really like how you portrayed Alfendi in this tale, especially his reactions to Layton. I never thought of him loosing his parents in that explosion though. It was an interestiong twist!
8/20/2015 c1 4Helios.J.Mears
Are you planning to continue this? I just couldn't help but notice the complete tag. It'd be a real shame if you left it there. I'd love to see a bit of relationship developmentthe like. either way, this made my day. thank you.
8/8/2015 c1 165chloemcg
Aww! I like Alfendi, it would have been nice if he had an origin or something official but I like what you did here! Hmm, normally I see fanfic's were Al is a young child or a baby (the latter being the case with me) but I like how you put a different spin on it.

I kind of also like how Al and the Professor's relationship is mutual and not the normal one-sided resentment Al would normally show.

I adore this and can't wait to see more.

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