1/23 c47 Mariegrey90
Hi there! I just wanted to reach out and let you know how much I enjoyed your writing. Your story really stuck with me, and I’d love the chance to discuss it with you.
I’m a digital artist specializing in commissions, and I’ve worked on comics alongside authors across various platforms. I genuinely think your story would translate beautifully into a comic, and I’d be thrilled to explore the idea of collaborating with you.
I know reaching out like this can be a little awkward, but I couldn’t let the opportunity pass after reading your work. If you’d like to chat, you can find me on Discord: danban1247275, or Twitter: Mariegrey90. Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi there! I just wanted to reach out and let you know how much I enjoyed your writing. Your story really stuck with me, and I’d love the chance to discuss it with you.
I’m a digital artist specializing in commissions, and I’ve worked on comics alongside authors across various platforms. I genuinely think your story would translate beautifully into a comic, and I’d be thrilled to explore the idea of collaborating with you.
I know reaching out like this can be a little awkward, but I couldn’t let the opportunity pass after reading your work. If you’d like to chat, you can find me on Discord: danban1247275, or Twitter: Mariegrey90. Hope to hear from you soon!
1/23 c47 Kitsune124
He ended his life there destroying him in the most despicable way imaginable, and only thing he felt is hatred thinking even in death he’s still getting in his way he would even destroy the leaf just so he can have his petty revenge. Do you think the village would stand for that they would hate him, thinking of him as a demon incarnate a wicked evil a foul darkness that should die a long time ago he could ruin his family name not save it!
Poor naruto maybe maybe a small adventure would be nice for him or maybe something nice who knows he deserve the world for everything
Compassion, love, loyalty, comfort, someone like him deserve everything even how much he sacrifice plus would that disgrace no of him thinking,
“ you’ve been alone for most of your life. You have no idea how I feel.!”
Really grow up you think none of them lost anything important you’re about to go to the man that killed his grandfather someone that he saw as a grandfather and what did you do nothing you’re just willingly walk in the path of darkness.
Even showing him a representation what you would have done to his so-called brother in arms .
He’s nothing more than an animal let him rot in the cell, blaming the world. He deserves it when he was the last of his kind the village treated him like a prince. Now they see him as a pariah thrown in the sewing disgrace in the so-called true print is in a better world
He ended his life there destroying him in the most despicable way imaginable, and only thing he felt is hatred thinking even in death he’s still getting in his way he would even destroy the leaf just so he can have his petty revenge. Do you think the village would stand for that they would hate him, thinking of him as a demon incarnate a wicked evil a foul darkness that should die a long time ago he could ruin his family name not save it!
Poor naruto maybe maybe a small adventure would be nice for him or maybe something nice who knows he deserve the world for everything
Compassion, love, loyalty, comfort, someone like him deserve everything even how much he sacrifice plus would that disgrace no of him thinking,
“ you’ve been alone for most of your life. You have no idea how I feel.!”
Really grow up you think none of them lost anything important you’re about to go to the man that killed his grandfather someone that he saw as a grandfather and what did you do nothing you’re just willingly walk in the path of darkness.
Even showing him a representation what you would have done to his so-called brother in arms .
He’s nothing more than an animal let him rot in the cell, blaming the world. He deserves it when he was the last of his kind the village treated him like a prince. Now they see him as a pariah thrown in the sewing disgrace in the so-called true print is in a better world
12/21/2024 c47 Guest
I love this story two of my favorite shows as a crossover, this is the big fat bombastic story I’ve ever read bar none. While I’m loving this and your other stories, is there any chance or possibility of a Naruto X Medabots of Medarots crossover in the future later on.
Just a thought.
I love this story two of my favorite shows as a crossover, this is the big fat bombastic story I’ve ever read bar none. While I’m loving this and your other stories, is there any chance or possibility of a Naruto X Medabots of Medarots crossover in the future later on.
Just a thought.
12/11/2024 c47 William Escobar 608
1) Rainbow Dash tenía buenas intenciones pero a la hora de ser RESPONSABLE DE SUS DESASTRES sale volando LITERALMENTE!.
2) Flin y Flan no tardarían en robarte las manzanas escarlata...
3) Espero que Twilight pueda ayudar...
4) Fluttershy me recuerda a Hinata, pero ¿solo ella está desarrollan sentimientos por Naruto?.
5) Rarity no tiene mucho desarrollo con el, supongo que le gustan los menancolicos.
6) Gracias a Luna por ayudarlo...
1) Rainbow Dash tenía buenas intenciones pero a la hora de ser RESPONSABLE DE SUS DESASTRES sale volando LITERALMENTE!.
2) Flin y Flan no tardarían en robarte las manzanas escarlata...
3) Espero que Twilight pueda ayudar...
4) Fluttershy me recuerda a Hinata, pero ¿solo ella está desarrollan sentimientos por Naruto?.
5) Rarity no tiene mucho desarrollo con el, supongo que le gustan los menancolicos.
6) Gracias a Luna por ayudarlo...
12/7/2024 c47 Mr. E Guest
I wonder who it is, the dark half of himself or something or someone in connection to Naruto. Epic Story I’ve missed this story for a long time now but happy that it’s back in the saddle, pun unintended of course.
I wonder who it is, the dark half of himself or something or someone in connection to Naruto. Epic Story I’ve missed this story for a long time now but happy that it’s back in the saddle, pun unintended of course.