Just In
for A Cadmean Victory

10/16/2023 c27 arhanmohamed17
God I love Salazar in this fic
10/16/2023 c26 arhanmohamed17
yes fuck you fleur
10/15/2023 c26 arhanmohamed17
why are we focusing Soo much on harry and fleur relationship rather than harry becoming strong
10/9/2023 c85 Guest
Could Harry need two wives one for house Potter & the second for house black or even a third for house slithering. So he can get more more allies.?
10/9/2023 c85 Guest
Harry seems to like experimenting and modifying his spells with his girlfriend it helps him keep alive against older more experienced fighters that have decades more experience than him. So please keep him learning new spells then modifying them for fun & to keep them safe.
10/11/2023 c23 arhanmohamed17
oi oi oi you just met her why show her the room of requirement
10/11/2023 c22 arhanmohamed17
I still don't like fleur but...
10/10/2023 c20 arhanmohamed17
God I really fucking hate fleur for doing thaid to Katie
10/10/2023 c19 arhanmohamed17
I swear if harry and Katie break up cause of fleur I will fucking kill her
10/10/2023 c18 arhanmohamed17
I really want this to be harry Kate fanfic
10/9/2023 c17 arhanmohamed17
I wanted it to be harry/Kate
10/9/2023 c16 arhanmohamed17
pedigrew why the fuck is he here
10/9/2023 c14 arhanmohamed17
hmmmm interesting poly harry
10/9/2023 c12 arhanmohamed17
please let this not be a hinny fic
10/9/2023 c11 arhanmohamed17
ohhh things are escalating I see
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