Just In
for A Cadmean Victory

10/9/2023 c11 arhanmohamed17
why is harry not telling Salazar about the room of requirement?
10/8/2023 c2 arhanmohamed17
ok interesting so far hope it's good from here on
10/4/2023 c37 Guest
Just burning the basilisk why.? Why not use its value in potions ingredients.? Salizar would no what was usefull from the basilisk surely he would advise Harry about it.?
10/4/2023 c37 Guest
Can I ask why you haven't used the Dead carcas of the basilisk for anything but 4 viles of venom.? A snake that size should have had at least 2 venom sacks holding at least 1litre each. The fangs & scales & cast off skins even after years in the chamber could have bean sold to the Goblins for Harry to have a good sized boost to his bank volt & learn about his true inheritance/bloodline.? There's been no mention about Gringot bank so far. It just seems like it could be used more. Rather than just burned up with fieldfare.? EVEN IF HE USED THE VALUE ABLE BASILISK BODY AS PART OF THE BLOOD RITUAL SACRIFICE TO STRENGTHEN HARRYS BODY.?
9/15/2023 c36 dragonheart117
Okay, thats enough for me. I'll stick this deep in the bookmarks folder so maybe one day I'll find it again and continue.
I'd also kinda prefer this to be an open ending here.
But review for reviews sake.
harry confessed first, which is a shame, she was the one interested, and him negatively viewed her for much of it, but you rush a few chapters to make him pine for her when convenient then bam... sad. She didn't even apologize.
So here where the creepyness comes in. She makes a portkey for him to come to her, but doesn't give him the word to return until he answers her questions, coercion btw. Then implies that she wont let him leave until he satisfies her and he literally says he's 14, and it literally says he is scared. her reply is she doesn't care about his age... reverse the geners for that one ay. So rape, but statutory (depending on the country not that anyone would care cos harry is male) She never apologizes for being a bitch, so much so that he literally rendered his soul in the aftermath. She doesn't care about him, she cares about herself and he makes her feel butterflies so he's hers apparently... this is unintentionally a horror flick.
other than the creepy romance the story is well written and quite high on the lists. Did quite a few things rather new, but other things annoyingly the same. so 7/10 if you don't account for the romance going weird. 4/10 if you include it. if you never noticed the creepyness the romance might actually increase the score.
9/15/2023 c35 dragonheart117
wow. managed to fit two of the worst tropes in this one.
make harry strong, but nothing changes.
make harry strong, but everyone else stronger.
then the heroes throw, but from the hero. Voldi inexplicably survived harrys super spell complealty unharmed. should have not foreshadowed the spell, or made it weaker and incomplete still.
also seems like he just gave voldi his spell... lame, esp when you had to slow down apparition to force it. also gave up the advantage of his butterflies being unknown... lame.
then admitting to killing people... that ain't gonna come back to bite him, why is he acting so weird.
Voldi said he didn't give them an obvious avenue to escape, but then the apparition wards go down without reason... should have just left the cup as is.
9/15/2023 c34 dragonheart117
seems a kinda lame way to kill the guy
also i can see harry confessing first... sigh. 0/10 right now
9/15/2023 c30 dragonheart117
dono why harry went on the attack on this hostage based competition. seems off. also fleur should have won that fight even If I vasty prefer harry to win.
9/14/2023 c26 dragonheart117
wasn't expecting the missunderstanding trope, even if it was well written. it will only be worth it for the obvious darkening if he actually gets a real apology instead of yea, but if it fucked up the relationship isn't that a good thing, he got last time.
9/14/2023 c22 dragonheart117
ahh this trope.
if you took out all tags, you would still easily be able to figure out who the lead girl was. Whichever girl stepped on the main character with a real wrong, but has the main character apologize for.
bonus points for the woman scary trope.
You could have at least put the reactions of davis and co to hide the fact that you wanted this scene to happen more than sense.
I almost closed the tab when I saw what was coming... I can't belive you have done this and my day is ruined. :P
If there are no more comments you will know why. onwards
Also just in case, 9/10 so far. Well up until this point, but this is a personal pet peeve of mine so I won't let it affect the rating.
9/14/2023 c20 dragonheart117
don't like the never want to die crap. it seems this is pointing to a dark end rather than a grey one. :(
9/14/2023 c17 dragonheart117
this is a stay up to 4am level novel oops
9/14/2023 c16 dragonheart117
quite well written chapter.
the only notices me when I'm invisible was funny. I loled
9/14/2023 c15 dragonheart117
giving fleur more points was a smart move.
although I hope she apologizes for being such a twat to him.
9/14/2023 c8 dragonheart117
I forgot to comment this, but I didn't think anyone else though of using a bug swarm to protect against unforgivables. nice. though I thought nats or something small so ur vision wouldn't be obstructed and they could form a tight enough swarm that a big bolt wouldn't get through.
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