Just In
for For Everything That Changes

6/12/2021 c1 Pteaset
I lime it
4/13/2019 c1 StyxUA
Merlin, this trash make makes no sense. Harry's parents are alive, but for some half-assed reason he lives with Dursleys?
1/13/2019 c5 Guest
I wish you good luck and I hope in the future you become a famous writer your story on ff is amazing I hope you will update your profile with a link to your book when you get to the point of publishing!

Best wishes-anon
12/20/2017 c3 YAPsych
I still check this story often hoping... It has so much potential to be a great story. Sadly it seems the curse that strikes all stories where Harry and Tonks find each other has struck. They never finish; seems muse, time or want flies away. "Harry potter and the summer of change" is the only story that "finished". Yet it left most things still in the air but at least the author was able to make it to the complete tag. Still have a glimmer of hope for this potentially great story but i can't lie; it is fading.
7/24/2017 c4 Lost password
anyone know if the author gave up on this great story? hope not
5/27/2017 c4 Guest
Is this sinfully super story abandoned? Hope not because it has so much potential with a strong base already in place. I love the relationship aspect that seems to drive things thus far. Yes I am female; so tongue
3/25/2017 c4 SandraK
Beautiful, just a very lovely story. If I may I would like to say why I am here and commenting without an account. I have this friend who carries his iPad with him and multiple times a week I would catch him loading a page only to frown seemingly as soon as it finished loading. Finally I got up the nerve to ask him about it; as you mig guess it was to check to see if this story had more to it posted.

I guess he didn't know I was a closeted HP fan. Well he let me read this story and I just had to comment. I admit I never read a story like this on the web before. That does not mean I can't appreciate honest good writing with an enthalling story and beautiful coupling.

I will say right up front I am probably biased since I thought in the originals Harry and Tonks were actually the best two to be a couple. They have so many things in common yet have areas of exact opposite to fill each other. They both at looking for someone to care for them for who they are not what they are. Yet she is optimistic and fun and he is moping realist. They both are fighters and strong but fragile emotionally at times. Both lost their mentors- Moody for her, Albus for him. She acts younger then she is and he acts way older.

I was hoping the wink she gave him at Grim. Place would have been the start of it when the books first came out. I mean . Yes Remus has many of the same 'qualities' that Harry has but he is almost as old as her parents. Harry is only six years young and she was still in school when he started so it would make sense of those were the things she was after she would look to Harry before Remus in my opinion. Yet JKR goes with Ginny? Really? Bah!

All that aside this story is..heart warming, touching, lovely, beautiful and I love it. Consider me a fan and I too will now be watching for updates.

To the author:
I love the ideas of flashbacks to get snippets to show progressions. I love the way you built the relationship so far. The feeing of being scared on Tonks part at now having the full green light was realistic. Harry not understanding her reasoning even if she wasn't full truthful was spot on(men!). When the dam bursts though it will burst wide open in my opinion. How you play that out, I can't wait. I know for me as soon as I go from scared to confident when I trust things are real I can be ah...passionate? Yeah let's go with that word and not something as uncouth as randy, or lustful,or horny or pure sexual(blush).

Anyways... New fan signing off!
2/10/2017 c4 YAPsych
My favorite, or one of, stories. I love Tonks/Harry pairings but this one is one of the special ones. The people seem ground in reality. The drive and want from their hearts and hormones say go go go but their heads holding them back so something special doesn't burst into flame and burn out.

I do wish it was updated more/faster but I understand the realities of life. I am not ashamed to admit I still check once a week of updates and end up reading it over anyway.

Cheers to the writer
11/25/2016 c2 RefoundFAN
The idea that the wand darkens when it is used to kill is a unique story mechanic. I wonder if you thought it all the way through though. What I mean is does the wood darken only on righteous kills to remind the user of what they did and to take the stain instead of their souls. For instance is Voldemort's wand actually white because the darkness hits his soul and doesn't stop at the wand because he murders.

I like the flash backs so when get to see how Tonks and Harry experience their feelings for each other and the angst of who and what they are.

My only complaint is the story is not updated fast enough for my liking.

Even if this story completes before Voldemort is finished I would be happy as long as the relationship completes and Harry knows who he is and has the potential to end the story. Tonks knowing her place in Harry's life of course would the key since anyone who has been truly in love knows we are better -in most cases the best- versions of ourselves
11/27/2016 c4 3Hudy Leak613
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
11/7/2016 c4 Dault3883 Barron Backslash
good chapter please update again soon
11/6/2016 c3 Dault3883 Barron Backslash
good chapter
11/3/2016 c4 LostLogin
Thank you! Thank you! I lost every story I was reading when my laptop crashed and I hadn't backed up my bookmarks since 2015 in Sept. I was -and am- so lost right now. This story has been one I have watched so closely because Tonks and Harry are so real and I think any way you call it they do work together. Your update allowed me to at least find this H/T story.

You write beautifully and believable. You seem to grasp the human condition extremely well.
10/30/2016 c4 hunzbookwyrm
Great start hope to see more soon
10/29/2016 c4 jdhiiixc
You've got a good story going, and I really like the character changes, I just wish you could update a little more often
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