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for Dragon ball: RWBY

7/20/2019 c15 TwistedFlame899
This is dead
6/17/2019 c7 Gogeta
10/27/2018 c15 1skyrimbrainstorm
Are you interested in doing a grim adventures with billy and mandy crossover revolving around. team under fist it's okay if you're not interested I'm just asking around is all you can answer me when you're available.
6/6/2018 c1 1JohanNishigami
good story though, some grammar and spelling mistakes but that's to be expected just please fix them when you have the time
6/6/2018 c1 JohanNishigami
1/12/2018 c6 Rawrking
bitch pls no one on remnant would have a power level of more than 200-300 at most, including final boss
1/12/2018 c4 Rawrking
shit fic as if tranq darts would be able to pierce his skin much forced
12/19/2017 c15 1Jack54311
This Merlin character... I'm not sure what to make of him. Good chapter. If Kouga wasn't already paired with Nora, I would be shipping him with the phoenix faunus.

Never seen Fairy Tail, but I plan to eventually get around to checking it out.
12/16/2017 c15 5Gamelover41592
great job on this chapter and happy late birthday :)
11/6/2017 c1 5Jack Redhawke
Like 3 paragraphs in and already love the fact you kept to sayian naming conventions hahaha
8/15/2017 c6 Guest
Alright, gotta say I love this story, but those power levels are the biggest bullshit I've ever seen.
7/25/2017 c14 RN6Pro
Could you make a story like this but with goku?
7/25/2017 c14 Guest
Just curious here, but you do realize that a powerlevel of roughly 400 is more than enough to destroy the moon, right? Piccolo did it in canon immediately after the Raditz encounter. And you gave even JAUNE of all people that level of power, when he still only had some minor training from Pyrrha? Even the argument that "He could only do that if he knew how to use KI" can't be used, since you had Weiss blatantly kill the enemy Saiyan with an energy attack (that, and no physical feat in RWBY can compare even to Tao Paipai's pillar feat, much less the people from later sagas. I also don't buy the whole "DBZ people are more vulnerable to physical attacks" thing, but that's little besides the point here).

I'm not saying that this ruins the story or anything, but the characters introduced thus far haven't really given the impression of being massively stronger than their canon counterparts, besides being able to fight people that should be WAY outside their weight class. It's kinda distracting...
7/24/2017 c14 1Jack54311
Finally, you're back! I don't exactly have room to talk, considering how long I'm taking with my stuff. Good chapter, this Merlin person is interesting. Was that crystal dust? I look forward to the next chapter! My only complaint is that you may want to proofread your chapters, there were some very blatant spelling errors. Either that, or possibly look into getting a beta. These errors were enough to take away from an otherwise good chapter.
7/24/2017 c14 5Gamelover41592
great job on this chapter nice to see training on all sides but I wonder how Salem can stack up to sayians?
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