Just In
for The Fox Scroll

10/4/2024 c6 12JensenDaniels32
Kurama is badass.
10/3/2024 c5 JensenDaniels32
Well, I mean, Naruto hasn't joined YET, so they can't really punish him for this. The most they could do would be to make a new rule banning Naruto from going on any more S-class quests in their guild until he both joins and makes S-rank from now on.
10/3/2024 c4 JensenDaniels32
Hey SpiritSage, you should start uploading chapters for this story again when you get the chance.
9/4/2024 c24 Kylo Ren
J'adore cette histoire, pur quand la mise à jour, vivement la suite
8/29/2024 c8 LOSTxWo1f
I think I know what went wrong, like, why he was starting to turn into a toad that time instead of the others. The amount of magic concentrated into that tower ensured Naruto was absorbing a lot more than when he went sage mode the other times, thus it was enough to throw off his control while it wasn't the other times.
8/29/2024 c6 LOSTxWo1f
I gotta wonder if the white flames from the tiger would have given Natsu a power up. Like, White Flame Dragon Mode, or something else that might actually be a cool mode. Oooo, imagine Yugito somehow finds her way there, and then Natsu gets a biju sized power up or something. Or imagine if Natsu somehow gets Matatabi sealed in him? I'd want to see that fight between some Akatsuki members and Natsu being a two tailed jinchūriki if there was ever a story with Natsu being transported to Naruto's world and somehow ending up Matatabi's jinchūriki. I think it'd be awesome.
8/28/2024 c51 narutowriter39
Amazing even after reading it multiple times
8/28/2024 c51 rangeldan.39
8/21/2024 c21 Z
Man I like your konosuba crossover, but when are we gonna get an update on this!?
8/18/2024 c9 Jose19
Lucy and Juvia the boy is very lucky indeed both are beautiful and buxom.

I am thankful Erza is not interested she is considered by me the top of the ladies along with Mira.
8/18/2024 c1 Jose19
The crime of this story is the hiatus I love the crossover of both of these series.

The women of Fairy Tail are attractive and buxom way better than from the Naruto world.

Etharno will pose a problem since it provides the power to mages and is a lifeblood to them.
8/11/2024 c51 Kylo Ren
J'adore cette histoire vivement la mise à jour
8/9/2024 c1 benabbaswissame
SpiritSage124 please tell me what happened to reading version of the fox scroll
8/6/2024 c51 Illuminated
I enjoyed your story quite a lot, I turned to it when I finished your Konosuba crossover. I hope you continue it someday!
8/4/2024 c51 LOSTxWo1f
Every time I watch a Fairy Tail clip on YouTube, I end up wanting to read this story all over again. Lmao. Still hoping you'll continue this story some day.
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