Just In
for The Fox Scroll

8/14/2023 c51 Narunaru002
Too bad this will never be finished. And it ended in such a bad way to. I've always found villians body snatching mcs to be a very stupid trope
8/7/2023 c1 Guest
So sad this never got finished it was a fun read that I can say
8/6/2023 c51 Benrevell
Very cool and interesting chapter hope more are on the way, but also do u know what has happened to the reading version of this story as its just as good
8/1/2023 c51 6dippytrippy122
This was such a great crossover fic I’m so sad it never got finished ;-;. But I’ve always adored your naruto konosuba one too so I’m glad that’s still being worked on:). Thank you for writing them!
7/28/2023 c43 WebSlinger12
Oh wow... That last past when he returned to Lucy is just so heartwarming. I sort of really wanted Naruto to only end up with Lucy, especially with them living together and all. I do understand that this is not a romance focused story, still! I think there are a lot of untapped potential there.
6/7/2023 c51 Crimson Riot 01
Jajaja, me encanto como dejo a Gray en la friendzone
6/6/2023 c4 yrlastin
Why is Naruto scared of Erza?
4/13/2023 c51 BusGrunts
Just stumbled upon this Fanfic and I am in love with it. Hope to see you come back to this at some point!
4/13/2023 c51 1Har Cj
:( and next time when?
3/28/2023 c49 nassimbenabbas19
naruto is going to fighting hades in mindscape to regain control of his body
3/28/2023 c47 nassimbenabbas19
spiritsage don't push yourself too much just take your time in writing the chapters of the fox scroll i giving you my support also don't let anyone to tell you how writting your stories
3/28/2023 c40 nassimbenabbas19
i want to see other fights because i'm tired of naruto steal spotlight from other characters
3/27/2023 c38 nassimbenabbas19
i love juvia for putting sakura in her rightfully place becasuse i have been wait for someone to put her in her rightfully place
3/27/2023 c36 nassimbenabbas19
i'm tired of authors for not doing research on how characters acting and their abilities
3/27/2023 c35 nassimbenabbas19
naruto should trained the members of fairy tail in ninja style instead of steal the spotlight from them
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