3/30/2016 c2 Guest
Hey! Bitch Mcgee here! My laptop has been in the shop FOREVER bc they are having a hard time finding a part. Amyway, I'm still working on the story, and I'll upload when I get my laptop back! Hopefully soon! Otherwise I might just have to go to the public library or use a friends computer. Sorry guys, I know, I suck ha ):
Hey! Bitch Mcgee here! My laptop has been in the shop FOREVER bc they are having a hard time finding a part. Amyway, I'm still working on the story, and I'll upload when I get my laptop back! Hopefully soon! Otherwise I might just have to go to the public library or use a friends computer. Sorry guys, I know, I suck ha ):
3/28/2016 c2 11ploiuiu
Please update soon! What happen, is it because of her infection of the cut with the glass?
Please update soon! What happen, is it because of her infection of the cut with the glass?
9/26/2015 c2 Guest
8/30/2015 c1 luna-auroraqueenofthenorth
Can't wait to read more their needs to be more Chase fanfiction
Can't wait to read more their needs to be more Chase fanfiction