Just In
for Bon Voyage

12/4/2015 c5 Anonymous
Pleeeaaassssee update! I wanna know what happens next. This is such a great story :)
11/9/2015 c5 8Marius blowthebarricade
Awwww this was so good! What is really funny is that I was just thinking about this story and hoping that you updated soon, and like the next date I saw that you had posted a new chapter! What a pleasant surprise! I've just been so busy that I have not had a chance to read it until now, but my goodness this was great! I loved this so much!

That opening scene really scared me. After Enjolras took those four pills and then he was lying on the floor in such a terrible condition, I was afraid that something really bad was going to happen. I feared that when one of his friends finally went to check, they would find him unconscious or even dead, which would have been awful for everybody. Enjolras would have been gone, Combeferre would have blamed himself and never have forgiven himself, and all of the boys would have been devastated. But thank goodness that did not happen.

I like the bit we got to see from Combeferre's perspective. Like Grantaire said, Combeferre has a right to be angry, but he is more worried about Enjolras than anything else. I really like that he considered going back inside to check on Enjolras, because it shows that even as angry as he is, Combeferre still cares very much about Enjolras. They are still best friends, and they always will be.

I love Grantaire in this so much, as well, as I have said before. As unlikely as it seems, he has become one of the strongest of them all, one of the leaders. It is incredible to see a man who began in a place so low rise to became such a strong and good individual. I love him so much in this story. And he seems to be more devoted to Enjolras than them all, which I think could be said about "canon-Grantaire" as well. No matter how bad things look, Grantiare never looses faith in Enjolras. My favorite line in this chapter: "The strength is still there, he just needs us to believe in him." Perfect. Excellent!

My favorite part of this chapter, however, was when Courfeyrac found Enjolras. It was such a relief to see Enjolras safe and in the arms of his friend. This part was so touching and sweet. Courfeyrac is a great friend, and he does not even seem to be angry at him! I'm so glad. Enjolras has good friends who will stick by him, and he will get through this. I cannot wait to see what happens next!

Great job as always!
11/7/2015 c5 4butterfly52
Oh, you've done it again! This, like many of your other AU fics, is totally engrossing and a really intriguing new way to picture the characters. It seems so counterintuitive to have Enjolras be the one struggling with addiction, but that's part of what makes it so interesting. The way that you've crafted the story somehow makes his experience stay pretty true to the important elements of the character, while really showing what a tragic situation this kind of thing is by how pitiful it makes even someone like him. What an awful predicament for Combeferre! He pretty much would have no other choice but to report that he knows who's forging his signature, or else his life will be completely ruined, and no matter how good a friend he is, sparing Enjolras from the consequences of that (as serious as they'd surely be) would never be worth throwing his career away when he himself has done nothing wrong. And I think in order to have any kind of redemption, Enjolras would have to understand and accept that. In any case, I'm sure it's bound to be a very sad story. Eager to read more!
11/4/2015 c5 cheekysu
So many feels!
11/3/2015 c5 20shadows-of-1832
This is quite a tough situation for all of them to be in, in their own ways.

At least Courfeyrac was able to handle the situation.
10/23/2015 c4 shadows-of-1832
No, no, no...Combeferre, don't leave him like that...Oh, Enjolras is getting worse and worse...
10/4/2015 c4 8Marius blowthebarricade
Another fantastic chapter! I love it!

So now all of the boys know that something is up. I wonder if Combeferre is going to tell them all what is going on, or maybe, and I hope, he will find it in his heart to forgive Enjolras and keep it all quiet - for Enjolras's sake.

If the boys do find out, I wonder how they will react. Will they feel sympathy, sorry, guilt? Or will they blame him like Combeferre? Will they get angry, or feel betrayed, lied to? Will they think less of Enjolras? Will they turn their backs on him, or will they help him get through this? I do not know, and I cannot wait to find out. I hope so badly that they understand. I know Grantiare will stick by Enjolras, and I can only hope that Combeferre will come around too.

Like I said before, I can understand why Combeferre is angry. Enjorlas did lie to him, and he was taking prescriptions that he did not need, and he got Combeferre in trouble, and now Combeferre might not be able to become a doctor because of it. I defiantly cannot blame Combeferre for getting mad.

But at the same time, I thought he would be a bit more understanding. I thought he would be more concerned about Enjolras and less about his mistake. I thought he would try to help him instead of just storming off and leaving Enjolras as sick as he was. They are, like Combeferre said, best friends. I found that line a bit reassuring, because Combeferre said, "You're my best friend" and not "You WERE my best friend" or something like that. He still considers Enjorlas his best friend. So I am deeply hoping that their friendship will not crumple because of this.

I still hope Combeferre, after his anger has cooled off a bit, will understand. Enjolras never dreamed that this would get Combeferre fired. He never planned on getting addicted, but once he realized, it was too late. He needed those pills just to get through the day, and he was too ashamed of himself to tell Combeferre the truth. So, yes while Enjolras did make a big mistake, he was trapped. He did not know what to do. He wanted to stop, but he couldn't. He wanted to tell the truth, but he was too ashamed. I hope, being his best friend, Combeferre come to understand that and forgive. Enjolras needs him now more than ever.

Poor Enjolras. He's sick as a dog, and his addiction is worse than ever. Four pills... Holy cow. He is in trouble now. He needs help. Bad. Even though things are looking pretty rough right now, I am very glad that Combeferre and Grantiare know the truth now, because the only way Enjorlas is going to get help is if people know he needs it. I sincerely hope that Combeferre will forgive him and help him. He needs a doctor's help.

This story is awesome! I cannot wait to find out what happens, and I cannot wait for more. Please, update soon!
10/4/2015 c3 Marius blowthebarricade
I'm so sorry that it has taken me so long to get to this awesome story! I have been super busy these last few weeks and have hardly had any free time at all! But thank you for understanding. I just read chapter 3 and 4, and now I will finally review!

First of all, and I know I have said this before but I must say it again, I love the way this story is going. You create a very interesting twist on the original cannon characters, and although everyone is still excellently characterized, you've twitched their roles. Now Grantaire is sober, and Enjolras is struggling with addiction.

This is fantastic! It is so interesting (and heartbreaking) to see strong, brave Enjolras ruining himself like this, powerless to fight against it even when he wants to. I feel so bad for him. Of course, one could say "he got himself into this mess," but at the same time, like a lot of people that this happens to, he was just a young boy, a good kid, who did not know what he was doing, he made a mistake, and then he got hooked. Once he realized what was going on, it was too late to go back. And, keep in mind also, that this was after a car accident, so when he started taking heavy doses and getting addicted, he was probably still in pain. I feel so bad for him. And he blames himself, and he feels that he has let down himself and all of his friends, which is perfect characterization for Enjolras.

But since Grantaire has been addicted before himself, I do not think he will turn his back on Enj when the truth comes out. I hope none of the other boys do; I don't think they will, but they could. I hope not. Enjolras feels bad enough as it is.

I was very glad when Grantaire told Combeferre the truth, because telling someone is the only way that they will be able to get Enjolras help. I know Combeferre gets angry when he finds out and he feels that Enjolras has betrayed him, and I cannot blame him too hard for getting upset - his career as a doctor is at stake - but at the same time, I hope he will be able to find it in his heart to understand. Enjolras, I'm sure, never dreamed that his actions would get Combeferre in trouble.

This was an excellent chapter, as always! I could not stop reading and went straight on to chapter 4!
9/30/2015 c4 Starishadow
Couldn't sleep so I read all the ff tonight ahaha anyway... this is beautiful. painfully beautiful but still awesome! I feel so bad for Enjolras and Ferre and I really need to know what happens next.
Leaving him like that in such a state? Baaaad idea, Ferre! *sobs*
Anyway, I compliment you for your writing skills, I really love this! :D
9/29/2015 c4 cheekysu
Poor Combeferre. Kinda wish he'd brought Grantaire with him to visit Enjolras, though, so a less-angry person would be there to call the paramedics. This is going to get even uglier, isn't it?
9/19/2015 c2 Marius blowthebarricade
I'm so sorry that it has taken me so long to get to this chapter, and I know I have another chapter to read asap.

Well what can I say? I loved chapter two! This is fantastic. It is so interesting to see this as you have set it up. Enjolras and Grantaire have switched roles. Usually Grantaire is the one addicted, and Enjolras scorns him for it, and now it is Enjolras who is suffering substance abuse and addiction. The difference is, of course, Grantaire does not scorn Enjolras for it. He pities him, he sympathizes and empathizes with him. He wanted to help Enjolras, as Enjolras once helped him.

Because of both of their pasts, I think Grantaire may be the only one who can help Enjolras. Enjolras knows that Grantaire himself has quit drinking, and therefore he knows what it is like. I hope that perhaps, because of this, eventually Enjolras will trust Grantaire enough to tell him the truth, and then Grantaire will get him some help.

Even if Enjolras never tells him, Grantaire is already on to him. I think it is only a matter of time before Grantaire knows for sure. Then will he say something? If he says straight out, "Enjolras, look, I know you are using these pills, I know you are getting addicted," how can Enjolras respond? Will he deny it? If Grantaire KNOWS then denying it will do little good.

I think it is only a matter of time before Grantaire does know for sure, and when he does I think he swill say something; even in this chapter it said the only reason Grantaire stopped pushing Enjolras was because he did not yet know for sure . When this discussion does come, however, I am worried about how Enjolras will respond. He might get angry and yell at Grantaire and completely turn his back on the friend who might be his only hope. Yet, even then, I do not think Grantiare will give up. He cares too much about Enjolras.

Overall, this was great! i loved this last chapter even more than I loved the first one! Keep up the great work! I cannot wait to keep reading!
9/18/2015 c3 20shadows-of-1832
Oh, Enjolras...I pity him.

If Combeferre believes Grantaire, and once Enjolras finds out about Combeferre's suspension, I can only imagine what will happen.
9/17/2015 c3 cheekysu
Good for Grantaire!
9/17/2015 c2 shadows-of-1832
I still like this, seeing the two of them switched, basically. Oh, Enjolras, you poor soul. Hopefully Grantaire or someone can help him get past this before it's too late.
9/11/2015 c2 33stagepageandscreen
Another excellent chapter, mon ami. It's so very interesting to see Enjolras and Grantaire reversed in their roles and I thought R's handling of the situation thus far has been very realistically portrayed. He has that weight of experience to understand what Enjolras is going through and makes him not only understanding but empathetic. Well done and look forwards to the next!
Libz xxx
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