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for Gate :And thus the Anti-skill fought here

6/19/2017 c3 Tensacloud
I like the idea, and the team makes sense. You should note that since Mikoto is level 5, she will get the best equipment. You should also note that they will have special equipment for espers. Just my thoughts.
9/17/2015 c3 10Lord Arthas is Still Alive
The guy fight a god, then fight the strongest of the world defending that god then fight another god, now why is he only a linternaut?
9/17/2015 c1 Lord Arthas is Still Alive
He he those idiots from all citys on the world they elect academy city to atack, why not fort nox if they are that suicide?
Well i dont know gate but i like this, just breath relax and focus in the plot, the grammar need a little help even if i dint have any moral autority to sayd it to you
8/31/2015 c3 1redeyeshaman
So the Unlucky Protagonist replace Takami? And you send Railgun with him? The dragon are 100% dead... -_-
8/28/2015 c1 Zim32
Is accelerator going to be in this fic since he lives with yomikawa
8/22/2015 c1 Addstick
no Touma in this fic?
8/19/2015 c1 blaster522
You should probably change the seahawks to six wings or four wings because Academy City has it's own military with AI mechs and military and police power armor. The city's military was also powerful enough to conquer Russia in 11 days with no casualties on either side because AC went out of their way in order to make sure no one died.
8/19/2015 c1 Guest
You should change the sea hawk. To something else. Academy city has their own military
8/19/2015 c1 fray253
can't wait for the next chapter but you should look and some of the weapons that Academy City has there's HsWAV-15 unmanned armored vehicle, HsAFH-11 unmanned attack helicopter, Gigantic Advanced Movement Armor used by MAR, Enemy Blaster Powered Suit developed by Academy City and modified for use in World War III, HsF-00 is a giant supersonic fighter plane, HsB-07 if after World War III, and there more it's all here wiki/Category:Science

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