10/18/2019 c2 Molly Mcmurtrie
Tiana and Naven kids really name is Tyrone not Navan.
Tiana and Naven kids really name is Tyrone not Navan.
3/22/2019 c7 alex
so can kenzies littlesitter kmy OC ALLIE SHOW UP
so can kenzies littlesitter kmy OC ALLIE SHOW UP
1/26/2018 c8
It’s alright. I love your story, but I understand what you mean. It’s really hard to write without motivation by my the story itself, right? Anyways, good luck with future endeavors and thanks for introducing a great character.

It’s alright. I love your story, but I understand what you mean. It’s really hard to write without motivation by my the story itself, right? Anyways, good luck with future endeavors and thanks for introducing a great character.
1/26/2018 c4 disneyfananalyst
For someone who "can't write fluff", that was some pretty great 'fluff'. You're doing a great job so far. I laughed so hard when Kenzie said "no touchy". I'm assuming that you watched the Emperor's New School, too, since Melina is supposed to be Kenzie's mom? Really clever. Keep it up!
For someone who "can't write fluff", that was some pretty great 'fluff'. You're doing a great job so far. I laughed so hard when Kenzie said "no touchy". I'm assuming that you watched the Emperor's New School, too, since Melina is supposed to be Kenzie's mom? Really clever. Keep it up!
12/28/2017 c7
2Ruler of the Ice Dragons
I would love to see this updated and especially I want to see what you will do for family Day and Carlos! This story is really well done and I hope you update soon!

I would love to see this updated and especially I want to see what you will do for family Day and Carlos! This story is really well done and I hope you update soon!
11/16/2017 c7 Jasmine Fire
10/11/2017 c7 Daisy54154
This was definitely worth the wait. I can't wait to read more and see how the date goes. Please don't wait another year to update. :)
This was definitely worth the wait. I can't wait to read more and see how the date goes. Please don't wait another year to update. :)
9/24/2017 c7 Guest
I love your story, it's hilarious and "ridiculous" and an all around joy to read. Update soon, please!
I love your story, it's hilarious and "ridiculous" and an all around joy to read. Update soon, please!
8/26/2017 c7 white tiger freak
Okay, just to tell you I was reading this and I was all calm and interested and then you wrote about her asking him on a date and weird things happened... I yelled OMGosh and squealed for at least 5 seconds straight... My mom actually asked what was wrong when she heard me. The reason why I am telling you this is because I am now really ultra Super EXCITED for the next chapter and I am looking forward to it more every day!
Okay, just to tell you I was reading this and I was all calm and interested and then you wrote about her asking him on a date and weird things happened... I yelled OMGosh and squealed for at least 5 seconds straight... My mom actually asked what was wrong when she heard me. The reason why I am telling you this is because I am now really ultra Super EXCITED for the next chapter and I am looking forward to it more every day!
8/1/2017 c7
This is a brilliant story! I just love how you've made kuzco's kid be made of the same self confi he had. I always found it really interesting how in the emperors new groove, Kuzco wasn't so much the hero, as not being the villain.
Can't wait for more your genius. And Carlos is adorable btw.

This is a brilliant story! I just love how you've made kuzco's kid be made of the same self confi he had. I always found it really interesting how in the emperors new groove, Kuzco wasn't so much the hero, as not being the villain.
Can't wait for more your genius. And Carlos is adorable btw.
8/1/2017 c7 ceeceerocks2000
hi yes i was too lazy to log on
(jk love you but plz step away from carlos thx)
*screams happily*
hi yes i was too lazy to log on
(jk love you but plz step away from carlos thx)
*screams happily*
7/31/2017 c7 strangerthanfanfiction713
this is really good. I'm super happy your friend got you back into this story. I can say it's one of the best descendants stories I've read in a long time. take your time and I love your writing. thank you for writing this
this is really good. I'm super happy your friend got you back into this story. I can say it's one of the best descendants stories I've read in a long time. take your time and I love your writing. thank you for writing this
7/31/2017 c7
I'm really happy to see you updating again! Kenzie seems a bit out-of-character since when you last updated, but she did have quite the rude wake-up call with the VK's Parent Chat. You're doing great, I can't wait to see more!

I'm really happy to see you updating again! Kenzie seems a bit out-of-character since when you last updated, but she did have quite the rude wake-up call with the VK's Parent Chat. You're doing great, I can't wait to see more!
7/31/2017 c6
13I am a Ridaa
Oh my gods I CANT WAIT! Nice to see youre writing again!
I myself need inspiration for my own new story ;)

Oh my gods I CANT WAIT! Nice to see youre writing again!
I myself need inspiration for my own new story ;)