Just In
for Resurgence of the Senju Clan

5/6/2016 c5 8animecutylover
Yay~! More training for Naru! XD
5/6/2016 c4 animecutylover
Well. That went well.

Omg! The Exams are coming already?
5/6/2016 c3 animecutylover

It's finally started!

5/6/2016 c2 animecutylover

What a change!

5/6/2016 c1 animecutylover

That, was, so, EXCITING!

5/3/2016 c10 1Cainsanity2016
Really good!
4/30/2016 c10 ST0RMAGEDD0N
Liking the story so far, and I'm glad to see you are delving deeper into the mokuton ability! I've always thought it didn't make sense for it to simply be a combination of earth and water chakra, with the ability being so rare that only one person has been known to do it naturally. I think it makes more sense if it is an earth-water-yang chakra ability, especially since the senju inherited the sages powerful physical/life energy. Anyways, hope you update soon and keep up the good work.
4/28/2016 c4 DominoNamikaze2010
I felt myself die a little when reading the sasuke and anko stuff...otherwise so far this story is good...however if more interaction between sasuke and anko happen like that...I'll be forced to stop reading
4/26/2016 c10 sagar hussain
Great chapter.
4/25/2016 c10 Guest
Nice and awesome just how I like my fanfiction story's please keep up the good work :)
4/24/2016 c10 IrishRiptide
Good chapter and I personally do like the oc pairing
4/24/2016 c10 1buterflypuss
good chap
4/24/2016 c10 theman1111
Maybe you should give Naruto the Raijin sword and possibility the Hiraishin give him something close to Minato and Tobirama.
4/24/2016 c10 Latherial
Good chapter, small thing it was the second war not the third when Kushina came to Konoha. Looking forward to what happens next.
4/24/2016 c1 zex13401jd
Fix your grammar, please.
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