Just In
for Resurgence of the Senju Clan

8/30/2015 c2 Tsukoblue
Great chapter!
8/30/2015 c2 bankai777
Will Naruto meet any of the filler girls like Shizuka.
8/30/2015 c2 4The Sith'ari
So will Naruto have a harem or will he be paired with only one girl?
8/30/2015 c1 Guest
You need an update soon because this is very interesting story
8/27/2015 c1 Guest
Very interesting start. Hopefully naruto and sasuke won't be increadibly OP to early
8/26/2015 c1 1Galndrael
Very good chapter. I would like to see where this ends up going. Since you are having Naruto being trained as well as Sasuke I doubt you will be keeping teem 7 as Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura unless you revise how the teams are made. If you keep the class how it is and make team pairings differently I wonder if we could see a team focused on intel gathering. I would suggest Naruto Ino and Shino. Naruto as frontline with Shino for capturing and tracking and Ino for interrogation and support.
If you went that route I would probably be able to come up with other team comps as well if you would like to see them. This would also only work if Naruto is not the top of the class since then it would have to be Naruto the top konoichi and the dead last.

Speaking of top konoichi if you do the traditional top ninja top konoichi and dead last or even the top 2 ninja and top konoichi I never understood how Sakura could be the top with only book smarts. Wouldn't Hinata being better in weapons and taijutsu with probably same skill in ninjutsu have been top konoichi? I wont suggest ino for that slot since she was Sakura's equal in everything skill wise and not sure about smarts.
8/23/2015 c1 Rinky1991
I like this story, but one point I wanted to point out, Iruka got it wrong at the end of the chapter, Itachi is the Uchiha heir, not Sasuke
8/23/2015 c1 JWolfcat
A good beginning. I look forward to reading more.
8/23/2015 c1 anarion87
nice so far
8/23/2015 c1 Super Saiyan God Gogeta
Naruto doesn't need wood release. After all he does have Ashura chakra. That is alot better than that Mokuton cliche
8/23/2015 c1 bankai777
Will Naruto be in Team 10
8/23/2015 c1 ButterfliesInTheSkies
Awesome chapter, but where are you going with this story are you following something along the storyline of Naruto or just go way off?
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