1/31/2021 c1 kekbekmekflekwek
Every god damned story. Are you fucking stupid, or something? Stop. You're writing a past tense story. That means he 'had' something. Not he 'has' something. Fuck, dude. FIRST GRADERS LEARN THIS. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW IT?
Every god damned story. Are you fucking stupid, or something? Stop. You're writing a past tense story. That means he 'had' something. Not he 'has' something. Fuck, dude. FIRST GRADERS LEARN THIS. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW IT?
1/5/2021 c12 Grishad1904
The nex please
The nex please
9/30/2020 c3 Guest
Please don't let there be any Sasuke/Anko pairing. Let Sasuke get together with Sakura.
Please don't let there be any Sasuke/Anko pairing. Let Sasuke get together with Sakura.
2/28/2020 c1 Luthanora
Around 7/10 stories I've come across on this site would be so much better if the writer's were told "show me, don't tell me".
Liking it so far - and I'm enjoying the fact you didn't torture Naruto at the start to make everyone feel bad for him,but TBH I am sick of the lazy writing, you go to all the effort to write this and 1/2 of it is the bland tell tell tell style so many others on this site use...
Will continue to read anyway in the hope that the writing inproves!
Around 7/10 stories I've come across on this site would be so much better if the writer's were told "show me, don't tell me".
Liking it so far - and I'm enjoying the fact you didn't torture Naruto at the start to make everyone feel bad for him,but TBH I am sick of the lazy writing, you go to all the effort to write this and 1/2 of it is the bland tell tell tell style so many others on this site use...
Will continue to read anyway in the hope that the writing inproves!
11/12/2019 c12 Gabriel guerra
Please do not abandon this perfect story, I read fanfic for many years, many even ... and believe me when I say that this story has the potential to be one of the best, I am Brazilian so I have to translate the fanfic, she is perfect !
Please do not abandon this perfect story, I read fanfic for many years, many even ... and believe me when I say that this story has the potential to be one of the best, I am Brazilian so I have to translate the fanfic, she is perfect !
10/1/2019 c12 Uzumaki Shougunate
Yo man update this, I really love this story and how you handled Naruto and Sasukes friendship. Great job for not making Sasuke a really annoying emo:)
Yo man update this, I really love this story and how you handled Naruto and Sasukes friendship. Great job for not making Sasuke a really annoying emo:)
7/11/2019 c12 fiahy567
Update soon please this is so good I want to read more of so please update soon!
Update soon please this is so good I want to read more of so please update soon!
4/23/2019 c12 Guest
Awesome more please
Awesome more please