Just In
for Resurgence of the Senju Clan

3/13/2021 c12 tomoe-rinnegan
Plz update
1/31/2021 c1 kekbekmekflekwek
Every god damned story. Are you fucking stupid, or something? Stop. You're writing a past tense story. That means he 'had' something. Not he 'has' something. Fuck, dude. FIRST GRADERS LEARN THIS. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW IT?
1/5/2021 c12 Grishad1904
The nex please
9/30/2020 c3 Guest
Please don't let there be any Sasuke/Anko pairing. Let Sasuke get together with Sakura.
8/7/2020 c2 1ramsesjames05
Please update
8/7/2020 c1 ramsesjames05
3/9/2020 c12 deoxeyses
Very nice
2/28/2020 c1 Luthanora
Around 7/10 stories I've come across on this site would be so much better if the writer's were told "show me, don't tell me".

Liking it so far - and I'm enjoying the fact you didn't torture Naruto at the start to make everyone feel bad for him,but TBH I am sick of the lazy writing, you go to all the effort to write this and 1/2 of it is the bland tell tell tell style so many others on this site use...

Will continue to read anyway in the hope that the writing inproves!
11/12/2019 c12 Gabriel guerra
Please do not abandon this perfect story, I read fanfic for many years, many even ... and believe me when I say that this story has the potential to be one of the best, I am Brazilian so I have to translate the fanfic, she is perfect !
10/29/2019 c12 33Adventreader221
10/1/2019 c12 Uzumaki Shougunate
Yo man update this, I really love this story and how you handled Naruto and Sasukes friendship. Great job for not making Sasuke a really annoying emo:)
7/11/2019 c12 fiahy567
Update soon please this is so good I want to read more of so please update soon!
4/24/2019 c12 2Relina16
hope you get some inspiration for this story. it's a really good one.
4/23/2019 c12 Guest
Awesome more please
3/12/2019 c12 kamui5
Please update soon.
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