Just In
for Resurgence of the Senju Clan

8/23/2017 c12 Guest
Please make more chapters when you can i love the story so far and hope it comes back really soon 3
8/21/2017 c6 iitrnr
Sorry, looks like you dealt with why the ANBU team didn't do anything about Orochimaru in this chapter. I was too quick to jump to conclusions.
8/21/2017 c5 iitrnr
So, the Hokage wanted Sasuke to receive Orochimaru's seal. That's cold of him. Telling the ANBU to do nothing.
8/13/2017 c11 Uchihacurse
Why the hell is sasuke weaker than naruto in kenjutsu ? Why do naruto even have a sword it doesn't make a sense with his arsenal of jutsu !
But great work, a good story. Keep it up !
8/6/2017 c2 Melmken
im really liking the story, hope u make a naruino
7/30/2017 c11 21HyperA1985
I am looking forward to chapter 12 and I hope Naruto gains ability to use jutsu of Ashura Otsutsuki.
7/16/2017 c12 2Chrisfragger
Pretty damn kick ass fic, hope to see more soon.
7/14/2017 c1 reader
Read a few review.. sasuke going for anko? really, do you even know what world you are writing your fic to? You jsut ruined it for me and many others...
7/10/2017 c11 12Banshee-024
Well... *eat pop corn... When is the next match?
7/10/2017 c3 Banshee-024
Hahahahahaha Sasuke lusting on Anko xD (Sasuke perverted giggle was the best part)
6/28/2017 c7 Flamarow
I'm happy with Orochimaru though I don't know if you could validly bring him back like in canon. Sure, the various curse seals are still around and a body could be made, but the result would be a clone at most if the soul doesn't get released first. The whole point of using the death god seal on the former hokages was to prevent the forbidden jutsu which requires human lives to perform to be used on them again. If you do manage it, I won't mind but you may want to include an explanation at that point to prevent some potential flaming. (Unless the cursed seals work like Harry Potter Horcrux...)

One thing I don't understand about this ending is why the Hokage used the 3rd death seal to take out Orochimaru this time. In the original, he was too exhausted and it was the only real option but this time there was another sannin to assist that would at least be equal to Orochimaru... Oh well, it helps move the plot forward and encourage everyone to continue getting stronger. :/
6/28/2017 c6 Flamarow
Honestly, I'm finding (both in canon when I consider it and most fanfic) that a lot of the "adults" are a bit of idiots to not have expected something to happen DURING the competition. Orochimaru is expected to attack soon, Suna is being forced to outsource jobs to Konoha which hurts their funding, and Suna brought their unstable jinchuriki (none other than the Uzumaki Sealmaster assisted 9 tails is stable). Why did no one, not even the current leader of the Nara, consider that he would attack before the tournament ended?

Not your fault though since even the canon story didn't touch that. Good job with the chapter. Although I expected it, I'm still thrilled to see you had Naruto learn how to suppress other jinchuriki, even if he did faint from just handling the single tail. Once he gets access to his own jinchuriki or getting more than a month (or week?) training with it, I'm sure it could handle most of them.
6/28/2017 c5 Flamarow
I hate when a Naruto fanfic does something different that should cause the "Bite of Oro" scene go differently but lets it happen exactly as canon. Naruto straight up told the ANBU that a sannin/high-jonin/kage level ninja is mixed with the genin and they had several minutes to get someone in place BEFORE the snake entered the forest so there is not excuse of having trouble finding him because of the forest. At least have a scene with Orochimaru fighting off some ANBU or Tsunade before Sasuke gets bitten like an idiot again! :O

As for the fights, I'm glad you skipped most of them as the only fight that mattered that wouldn't be roflstomps now was Ino's and you did just fine expanding that without breaking the audience view point you used for all of it.
6/28/2017 c4 Flamarow
I thought Sasuke was lower speed that Naruto last time it was mentioned? Was that just that Sasuke didn't have the stamina to keep up rather than being physically slower? Amazing to think that in this version, it is just stamina that is a major difference though it makes sense for true rivals (unlike the canon rivalry).

By the way, what happened to the other 4 members of teams 7 and 8 during the fight with Haku? You mentioned Hinata but she didn't actually fight and the other 3 were not even mentioned as watching or even being present until Gato showed up...
6/28/2017 c3 Flamarow
I'm a bit surprised at the change of team 8's sensei from Kurenai to Anko but I'm certainly entertained at seeing Sasuke is lusting for her. Kakashi's response made me laugh, he certainly would be proud. I can only imagine how proud/jealous he would have been of Naruto if he had been on the team like in the original. I agree that I wouldn't see it going anywhere but Anko would definitely have a blast sexually harassing Sasuke.

As for the Ino situation, you wrote her in such a way that I didn't realize others still considered her a fan girl, especially with Asuma praising her taijutsu. Also, Naruto has three releases? I guess that means he got tested and still has his wind affinity along with his two blood line base elements or was Sasuke counting the bloodline wood release as a third release? I'm guessing the last one since he didn't mention lightning against wind...
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