Just In
for Resurgence of the Senju Clan

6/28/2017 c2 Flamarow
Perhaps the best thing to come of these changes is that Naruto is eating a balanced diet thanks to Shizune's amazing cooking. I wonder if he will grow taller thanks to the nutrition or if he will be a shorty no matter what. Also, I'm interested in seeing Ino and Naruto together. They are not a pair I ever considered because of Sakura and Hinata in the original but with Ino not considering Naruto the worthless dead last anymore, it sounds like it could actually be quite the good pairing (if Naruto ever notices).

Also, I feel really sad for Choji. Not only does he end up with the crazy Kakashi who is perpetually late, but will be told to skip breakfast (BLASPHEMY!) for the test but deal with his old friends constantly getting barbeque while he gets no food from his own sensei...
6/27/2017 c1 Flamarow
Certainly sounds interesting so far. I didn't expect you to bring both Tsunade and Jiraya back so early nor for Naruto's name to change. I wonder if him now being known as a clan heir will prevent a lot of the problems that cause Naruto to do poorly in class. At the very least he would have Tsunade and perhaps Jiraya to teach him chakra control early on and perhaps upgrade him to shadow clones when they realize he can't use the normal clones without a ton of training.
6/26/2017 c11 Klajdi
I'm new here so great story so far! (:D)
About the spar in this chapter:
It was cool and massive as fuck but I wouldn't they're equal since Naruto didn't use the Wood Dragon.
Also a little rant about the part when Naruto threw wind enhanced earth projectiles:
Sasuke shouldn't have been able to cut them with Lightning release because it's weak agains Wind.
All in all 8/10.
Good luck and keep on keeping on!
6/11/2017 c11 knisfejwfionrgr
Previous review was meant to be on chapter 11. woops :P
6/11/2017 c1 knisfejwfionrgr
Man that was awesome, thanks for the amazing chapter!
5/30/2017 c11 1Davidlhson
How much longer until the update this is a great story looking forward to the next chapter...
5/26/2017 c11 1AntiCreator
I definitely enjoyed that fight. I'm looking forward to seeing the two progress to S Rank status and what is in store along the way.
5/24/2017 c11 raynisia
Nice to see that Naruto was able to obtain the Uzumaki legacy from the homeland. The fight was nice to read. I enjoyed the multiple view points. Nice chapter!
5/23/2017 c3 Guest
I dunno, Asuma blabbing about Naruto having the Mokuton. I dont think hed say it so publically without talking in private to his dad first.
5/20/2017 c11 2narutoxxx123
Love this story, glad you have gone for the pairing with yokuma
5/20/2017 c11 Armageddonfish
What was the change?
5/19/2017 c11 sagar hussain
Awesome chapter
5/18/2017 c11 Imagination 3101
Fantastic Chapter. The fighting sequences are amazing. I just loved it. Expected that the fight will end in a draw as they both are almost equal in terms of skills and can counter balance each other.

Looking forward to read more updates. Thanks for the story.
4/15/2017 c12 Shelly
One word for this story...WOWWWWWW!
3/27/2017 c12 Woodgodbrad
Keep working on this awesome story
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