Just In
for Angel

3/28/2023 c7 Guest
1/15/2019 c5 Guest
Ik u wrote this a while ago, but in season 17 they established her middle name is Margaret
1/7/2018 c7 Heidianne Leon
so beautiful. sniff sniff
1/7/2018 c6 Heidianne Leon
so beautiful.I can't stop crying
1/7/2018 c5 Heidianne Leon
This chapter made me cry so much.
12/10/2015 c7 161untapdtreasure
My heart is still broken. Lol. I am glad they got the guy who killed her. My gosh. Heart breaking. I do suggest that you find a beta to look over your work in the future as your spelling/grammar could use cleaning up. But other than that, it's a good story.
12/10/2015 c5 untapdtreasure
I knew it. Now my heart is broken. :(
12/10/2015 c3 untapdtreasure
Why do I get the sneaky suspicion that Liv died that day she was shot? I hope I am so, so wrong, but I can just feel it.
10/31/2015 c1 anon
Sorry, this is poorly written, out of character, and unrealistic.
9/8/2015 c7 Librarian29
While I enjoyed the story, I hope you get a Beta to improve your spelling and grammar.
8/30/2015 c6 3NYPDliz
Ok this was not the ending I was expecting! Great job, this was very original!
8/29/2015 c6 saracsidle
Pffft, crying? Me? ... yes actually I am.
8/24/2015 c6 Guest
Omg...saddest story ever. I'm bawling :(
8/24/2015 c6 11Mariskahargibenson
I promise I'm not crying! Okay no, I'm not gonna lie. I am. ALOT! It's so beautiful but it's so heartbreaking too
8/23/2015 c6 1Fearlessness4015
My eyes are just sweating...I'm not crying!

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