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for Harry Potter and the Shadow Legion

1/10 c26 midnightscar17
Oh come on this is a tad ridiculous.
8/17/2024 c19 Books85
This version of the wizarding world definitely is much more violent than canon. Not a value judgement, just an observation. And H & H pushed that further, with bringing the pistols and using them in the lavatory. Just guessing that things will continue to "run hot" for the rest of the story. While more mature than the usual 11 year old, their judgement isn't 100%.

Thank you for writing and sharing this.
6/4/2024 c41 Sensorybuzz
Really enjoyed this story. Looking forward to reading the next one.
5/1/2024 c10 Sora9979
Sorry to inform you of this but the GameCube system was released in 2001 not 1981 heck I don't even think Nintendo was the thing back then except for doing certain video games for different consoles
1/12/2024 c41 Dsorchard
I have just finished chapter 41, although at first when i started reading i was hesitent about guns and military 'stuffim not againsted it , i just didnt know how i felt about a mix into a HP Universe that being said) i am actualy very glad that i did continue reading as it has been a great read the descriptions of Hellfire Rounds and the damage they cause and the graphic description of the battles were really cool. The whole battle on Avalonin my head was simialar to the 'bug planets' from Starship Troopers (which is one of my favourite films).

Props for the entire backstory involving Aurora and GabrielleMerlin i though it was really well thought out similarly with all the informationdescriptions of Gringots , The Potter Manor aswell as the other ancient houses they were all brilliant.

The only bit i was unsure of was Harry and Hermione running around Hogwarts strapped with SILH, although i thought it odd , you made it work well .

I want to see use of the Battle wands ! I expect carnage !

Thank you for a good read i will be continuing with the rest of your releases.
12/29/2023 c16 moaning-myrtl3
Definitely love how you switched Ginny and Ron’s roles. I, too, am not a big fan of Ron.
12/24/2023 c10 salvadorsuarez387
My first time reading this story… and so far i like the way its going. To be honest.. I started reading this story about 3 hours ago and have not put it down.. lol
Good job
11/28/2023 c16 l30rusty
this is a harem book
11/28/2023 c16 l30rusty
ginny and Ron are twins?!
11/28/2023 c13 l30rusty
in general the books been great so far but theirs one thing I majorly disagree in is in accordance with Hermione and her extra abilities
11/27/2023 c7 l30rusty
Great read so far it's truly an original fanfic which I love
7/24/2023 c40 wandamarie
they have earned the punishment thank you
7/24/2023 c39 wandamarie
thank you
7/24/2023 c38 wandamarie
wow getting good thanks
7/24/2023 c37 wandamarie
thank you for the story so far
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