Just In
for Harry Potter and the Shadow Legion

7/21/2023 c7 wandamarie
thank you
7/21/2023 c6 wandamarie
thank you
7/21/2023 c5 wandamarie
thank you for the story
7/21/2023 c4 wandamarie
wow getting good thanks
7/21/2023 c3 wandamarie
thank you for the story
7/21/2023 c2 wandamarie
good job on the story so far
7/21/2023 c1 wandamarie
thank you for the story so far
4/12/2023 c10 6bruins35
hey, i know this completed and I'm sure other might have made this comment, but GameCube didn't come out till September of 2001 in Japan
1/20/2023 c36 Toolazytologin
"I'm very happy to anounce that i have found a permanent Beta reader who will also check all the previous chapters. Her name is dealyflame and i think she is doing an amazing job."

Congrats on getting a permanent beta reader... however she hasn't fixed the previous chapters yet...
11/6/2022 c3 alefrosier
Despite having an interesting premise I don't like firearms in any magical world I read, and I don't like the MC at all too pro muggles these stories usually belittle magic and the wizarding world to an absurd degree despite magic of the world of Harry Potter is not the most destructive is probably the most versatile.
8/20/2022 c41 szw5009
Thank you!
7/16/2022 c2 30DalkonCledwin
Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that James was the Queen’s nephew… I mean you did say his mother was her sister, didn’t you?

There aren’t that many Death Eaters, since the Death Eater designation applies solely to Voldemort’s inner circle. It is conceivable that he has a considerable number of Mook Tier minions, but none of them are on the same level as an actual Death Eater. He also doesn’t have that many Dark Creatures on his side.

It's called a Floo, not a Flu.
7/15/2022 c1 DalkonCledwin
MSS? What does that mean? I tried looking on google but all I got was references to Ms. and Miss.

Other than that small bit of confusion, this is a wonderful first chapter.
7/9/2022 c41 morcheller
Wonderful story. Thanks. I'm looking forward to the continuation.
6/26/2022 c4 Guest
Hellfire rounds are not to dangerous to fire in doors you just don't want to get hit by them
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