Just In
for Finding Home

9/16/2015 c11 Guest
9/18/2015 c12 6Space-Case7029
Good story. I read, even if I didn't review. Loved every minute of the adventure, even the angst parts.

9/18/2015 c12 25MoreBonesPlz
... and they lived happily ever after! Good job. Thanks for the story.
9/15/2015 c11 jsboneslover
Wonderful chapter that allowed our beloved B&B to get together.
9/17/2015 c12 kareneb
What a great ending for them. From my reviews you know I enjoyed the read. Great story..I am glad you left Robin Hood for just a little while to give us this great story. Thank you
9/17/2015 c12 1hjpstarwars
Great story! Great place to end!
9/16/2015 c11 1JenniferSheppard2
Very nice and very sweetly written for this job!
9/15/2015 c11 kareneb
Good chapter. It took eleven chapters for them to get their act together. Oh well it could be worse, right? You did a very good job..once I started to read I didn't want to stop. To me that means good writing.
9/15/2015 c11 Julie SBXMomX
Wow ... I bet Brennan never thought a warm bath would ever turn out that good. Lucky girl having her own hunky Special Agent FBI caregiver. And what care he gives too. ;)
9/15/2015 c11 1hjpstarwars
Ahhhhhhh what comes next?
9/13/2015 c10 Guest
Oh, what a great chapter. I really enjoyed reading this one. Things seem to be coming around finally. I can't wait to read the rest. Thank you for taking time to write this story with such a busy life you have. I raised 4 great kids while trying to take some classes so I can understand what you mean.
9/12/2015 c10 jsboneslover
This is such a great story. I'm very much appreciating your take on this situation, and you are a great storyteller!
9/12/2015 c10 Guest
So glad he found her and she is going to be OK. I am enjoying this story very much.

9/13/2015 c10 12doge
Oh, that was so nice
9/12/2015 c10 20Adelled
Very nice.
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