Just In
for Finding Home

9/8/2015 c9 jsboneslover
Well, thank goodness! I bet the nurses there were having their own poll about when they would finally end up in bed together. (Although this is certainly rated for all audiences!) As always, great writing.
9/8/2015 c8 Guest
This is good :) Can't wait to find out what happens next.
9/8/2015 c8 Jane
And thank YOU for posting! Enjoyed it - can't wait to see if Brennan heard any of what he said and how she reacts when she wakes up!
9/7/2015 c8 jsboneslover
Thank goodness. I wonder if he'll need to repeat all of the things he just said, or if Bones will - like he did in the coma - remember some of it? I'll have to wait to find out. Excellent writing!
9/7/2015 c8 Guest
Loving it.
9/9/2015 c9 1hjpstarwars
Love love loving it!
9/9/2015 c9 25MoreBonesPlz
Yay! I love it when our hero and heroine finally give in to their feelings and admit they love each other. Thanks for the update.
9/9/2015 c9 loverofbones
I love your story, can't wait to read more, your writing show a lot of compassion.
9/8/2015 c9 kareneb
Good chapter. They finally told each other the truth. It's about time. I really enjoyed another great chapter. Thank you.
9/8/2015 c9 Julie SBXMomX
Finally. .they both said a lot of things they should have said a long time ago. Now maybe they can get on the same page for once. Nice chapter!
9/6/2015 c7 jsboneslover
Well, it's the modern version of Booth riding in on a white horse, isn't it? Glad he had time to thank the elders of the village that took her in. Wouldn't Jack have put some medical supplies on the plane?
9/8/2015 c8 1JenniferSheppard2
Story is really good. Sleep up the great work!
9/8/2015 c8 1hjpstarwars
In love with this story keep it up!
9/6/2015 c7 Jane
Yay! Booth found her! I can't wait until she wakes up.
9/6/2015 c7 guest
Very exciting chapter! Can't wait to see what happens next - soon, I hope!
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