Just In
for Finding Home

9/6/2015 c7 Yo
Great story! Please update soon.
9/5/2015 c7 guest 2
thank you for updating and for not prolonging my agony
excited for the next update
9/7/2015 c8 kareneb
Great chapter..I like the stories when they are communicating privately. I started reading faster to find out what was going to happen..then I got to the end! Can't wait for the next chapter to come along. This is a really good story. Thank you...
9/7/2015 c8 20Adelled
Wonderful reunion, however brief. Loved Booth telling Brennan a story as she had told him one after his tumor surgery.
9/7/2015 c8 zetaq9
me encanta como va la historia! quiero saber si Brennan escucho todo lo que le dijo Booth
9/7/2015 c7 1hjpstarwars
I can't wait for Brennan to wake up!
9/5/2015 c7 kareneb
Oh shoot! it ended! I really liked this me excited. Can't wait for the next chapter.
9/3/2015 c5 jsboneslover
Here he comes to save the day! I hope Booth comes to some more realizations of how they both got to be where they are. Assume that he will go all Ranger to find her!
9/5/2015 c6 23penandra
Great chapter! I'm so enjoying what you're doing with this story! You and your muse make an excellent team! Grateful to know Booth is on his way, grateful that Bones is making do, but the fracture untreated can kill her and she knows that. At some point she'll either have to find someone on the island to help her with the leg or Booth will have to find her quickly. You're doing a great job. Thank you for sharing with the fandom!
9/3/2015 c5 Jane
Well, I'm glad Booth can sleep; because I probably won't until I see what happens next!
9/3/2015 c5 Guest
Please updste.
9/5/2015 c6 25MoreBonesPlz
Ah ... What a relief to get a status update on our girl, even if things are less than perfect for her right now. At least there's hope . . .
9/3/2015 c4 sandyholl
Please keep writing this! I love it!
9/5/2015 c6 kareneb
I have really enjoyed reading your story. I noticed it has been a few days since you have posted any more. I hope the next chapter comes soon. I get anxious when someone is in trouble. I like how the story flowed and grabbed my attention. I noticed that I was reading really fast to find out what happened next. Thank you for a really good story.
9/5/2015 c6 1JenniferSheppard2
This is very good! Love the angst factor in your story. Keep up the great writing!
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