Just In
for Finding Home

8/30/2015 c2 25MoreBonesPlz
Welcome to the world of FF autherdom! So glad to see you writing.

Your story is off to a good start. Well written so far and I'm intrigued to see where you'll take us. Thanks for posting.
8/30/2015 c2 23penandra
Cliffie! The blonde is toast and our hero is off to save the damsel in distress (at least I can hope)! Looking forward to more posts.
Great story please update soon.
8/29/2015 c2 2bonesluver25
I am loving this story. You know Booth has to be thw one to find Brennan. Please post more chapters soon. I can't wait for the confrontation between Booth and Hannah. Keep up the fabulous work.
8/29/2015 c2 1hjpstarwars
Please update! I'm hooked and have to know what happens!
8/29/2015 c1 23penandra
Good possibilities here. Funny how some episodes evoked such strong responses that so many of us want to back there and fill in the blanks. What I enjoy so much is that for every author that does, there's a little different take! Hope this is just the first chapter in a multi chap! Look forward to reading more. Thank you for sharing.
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