Just In
for Fate Magnus Bellum

7/24/2018 c32 Guest
Just wanted to say this fic inspired me to get these nendos. r/grandorder/comments/91m3mn/the_king_and_the_saint_arthur_finally_came_home/?utm_sourcereddit-android
7/19/2018 c32 shephawk
Im looking forward to the next chapter whenever that may be
7/19/2018 c31 shephawk
all i can say is at least the "bad guys"are finally killing each other instead of the heroes lol
7/18/2018 c26 shephawk
When tamamo does fight someone im kind of hoping to see her do her kick from ccc as well as how you pull of her noble phantasm since its mainly a no mana cost in extra you could use grand order version and have it be a massive heal

Im extremely looking forward to gilgamesh vs ozymandias and im curious if gilgamesh will have ea or stick with enki as his proto Gilgamesh
7/17/2018 c20 shephawk
Im rather curious about something since jeanne is in laeticias body if jeanne were to use la pucelle would laeticia keep the command spells for saber since its her body or would they leave with jeanne
7/16/2018 c28 Silver566
I may be missing something but why doesnt El Melloi summon another servant or just resummon Iskander
7/16/2018 c14 shephawk
I love that gilgamesh smacked lancelot with his motorbike that was awesome you are making me love Gilgamesh even more and this is just my personal wish but have mordred defeat lancelot for real if not that's fine
7/15/2018 c10 shephawk
And the reward for most epic entrance goes to gilgamesh
7/15/2018 c5 Magnum Boost
AFAIK Proto saber treats proto mordred as his own son. The reason why proto mordred rebell against him because he became a spoiled yandere kid
7/15/2018 c1 Magnum Boost
Whatever you do, please don't make manaka a mary sue
7/12/2018 c25 Silver566
Was that female merlin
7/4/2018 c32 Guest
What a goddamn good story you got here! This is how it should happen in Apo. Not that messing anime just all around a plain MC with thick plot armor. I’m sorry it ‘s just disapointed when i finished it.
I ‘ve seen your update note. I’m feel bad for what happen to you. I hope you can deal with all unfortunate events well in your real life. Good bye
6/22/2018 c32 Ghost21
Wow... A great story from the beginning. I wonder when Jeanne will confess her feeling to King Arthur. I will waiting until that happens...
6/15/2018 c32 Night of Wallach
This story has been a good start since the beginning. The way you written about the characters personalities and trait was excellent!

I have a question: in your opnion: the Heroic Spirit Shimazu Toyohisa, he would able of uses a Sword Beam?

I am asking this because he is a heroic spirit even older than Musashi and Kojiro, And just a bit younger than Nobunaga.
6/13/2018 c32 Guts
Excellent chapter: you have brought topics that aren’t touched in material canon as the relationship between Herakles and Perseus as well Karna comparing the former to Bhima.

I want gives a advice: if you decides do a FGO fic, during the Camelot Arc, makes the protagonist an de their servants kills Dun Stallion, this way the efficiency of Rhongomyniad is going be reduced. I am not saying Lion King Arthur goes down with this, but is stated Lancer King Arthur needs of his horse to brings the maximum efficiency of his lance.
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