Just In
for Fate Magnus Bellum

2/20/2018 c32 ColdDeusEX
will the emiya shirouEMIYA make a cameo ?
2/19/2018 c31 4SentinelPrimeKnightOfCybertron
Oh no, Medea and Elizabeth are after Jeanne. Considering what she did with Saber in stay night...Jeanne should run. And the Magus Killer makes his debut, nice to see he survived his war.
So Cu now look s like his Caster self with armor, hmm. Shakespeare sounds like he’s writing Kiritsugu’s story or EMIYA’s. I have an idea of what Manaka has in mind for Jeanne and Arthur with his talents.
2/18/2018 c32 13FirebirdArcher21
Was Kiritsugu's servant a nod to Roland? Also Karna, absolute badass no matter who he fights. Good chapter by the way!
2/17/2018 c32 Giuseppe Mendoza Vargas
Que bien! ahora kiritsugu entra a escena, espero que invoque al espíritu heroico EMIYA con lo cual tendremos un super crossover entre tres mundos alternativos de la saga Fate
2/17/2018 c32 Terra
Whoa, so far in this story, Brynhildr seeing Karna, Siegfried and Arthur reminds her of Sigurd the most and wants kill them for it. Should I pity Siegfried? Because so far he's the one who is compared to Sigurd a lot.
2/17/2018 c30 1PanickingNoob
Well this is entertaining, the first is endearing, the 2nd is sweet, the third is well amusing n the extra is just downright funny XD. N kind of like the nod there might check out the fic in future X3.

N yeah Lancers gather some bad luck but I think here Vlad got an end that fit him more than in the canon (_;)
2/17/2018 c29 PanickingNoob
Well remember when Mordred like the smoke but in canon she cant handle it? I feel like it the same with Jeanne, rlly unless u outright make her a jealous fuming tsundere, that's where we draw the line my friend, I don't think there's right or wrong in love XD...I think...I mean heck that's what other keep saying idk lol still right now it still taking it easy so I like it n hey started playing FGO so cant wait to c how u would spin it up X3.
2/17/2018 c32 2Warmach1ne32
The fight scene is a mess, but this mess perfectly describes what would happen when you have 12 Servants fighting on a floating city being bombarded by magic lasers. So a messy fight scene where the perspectives jumps frequently is in my opinion what works best in this scenario. The detailed fights should be reserved for major 1v1 fights like Mor and Arthur's father & son (looks warily at Mordred) bonding session.
2/16/2018 c32 Garrick
My god Manaka sure knows how to ruin everything. Jeanne is going to get mindf**ked by Shakespeare, perhaps even worse than what happened in Apocrypha.

And wow the Two Lancer with the terrible Luck. Which one would outrank in each other in the worst luck ever?
2/16/2018 c32 Castiel
Let me take a guess...
The employers of Kiritsugu are the Harways...Léo and Julius’ family, right?

Because I doubt the Einzberns( if they still exists as a Magus Clan) would try get one of the grails...they would try making a new their own.
2/16/2018 c32 Vishnu
Thank you.

I was reading about the Pandava brothers and I have noticed Bhima and Herakles are similar in some ways:
Have passed by deadly situations, and achieved Physical Strenght and prowess absurd even for divine standards (on oldest myths is said Herakles and Bhima wasn’t born with this level, they achieved through some means), both are hair-Trigger men who loves their mama. An both have outlived their own children.

And have feats of being above of full Gods in terms of physical Might and fighting melee skills.
With Indra be unable of subdue Bhima and Herakles beating Thanatos, Ares and stalemate Apollon.

I think would natural Karna finds similarities between Herakles and Bhima...I bet Arjuna would do the same.
2/16/2018 c32 AladdinlSane
Having finished Strange fake and apocryha I can appreciate this story even more noe
I love it
2/16/2018 c32 Dxhologram
Wow, straight into the action already. Its neat how the two bearer of the title Hassan talked to each other. It's pretty cool how Karna and Brynhildr clashed with their Mana Burst (Flame). Its awesome how Semiramis is in the action now against Ramesses. Amakusa fighting Arash was nice to see, do wonder the Third Grail War was like with him being the Ruler?

Cu Chulainn was recently summoned again and already he's fighting a female Servant that has yandere tendencies. Another moment where Atalanta expresses her worries for Karna was sweet. Now that I think about it, is it irony that Karna is fighting a Demigod who also happens to be the son of the King of Gods that uses lightning? Oh and he fights alongside with one as well.

Geez the psycho loli really wants to mindrape Jeanne and she also kidnapped Mordred as well.

By the way what did you think of the Karna vs Sieg fight in the anime? My favorite moment was the part where Karna activates Vasavi Shakti. Man it looked pretty godly.
2/16/2018 c32 2dvdryms
Very good chapter as always. Personally, I find the fight scenes well-written as they never fail to excite me, but you know better. The interaction between Arthur and Jeanne and the small hints of Karna x Atalanta were great. I'm also really curious to see who abducted Jeanne and Mordred and what sort of grand scheme is Manaka cooking up. Looking forward to the next chapter.
2/16/2018 c32 superpierce
honestly I don't see how these fight scenes are bad I mean their not perfect but their good at least.
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