Just In
for Fate Magnus Bellum

1/15/2021 c1 IliIli567
Just curious, are you going to update?
1/1/2021 c1 War
The Greatest fate fanfiction for me so I'm grateful of you for writing this
12/21/2020 c33 Fenton
You know I just realized that Arthur and Jeanne share the same voice actor and actress of Cloud and Aerith respectively.

And the Final Fantasy 7 Remake did come out this year. Wow.
12/3/2020 c33 Guest
Pls update :(((
11/12/2020 c1 1Drcaus
Fire Emblem Three Houses and Fate Stay Night
10/26/2020 c1 Guest
Thank you TV tropes, thanks for recommendation wonderful fanfics, beautiful chapter, follow riddim XD
Ah, scuse me for my bad english
10/23/2020 c33 Guest
I hope you'll update soon, I love this fic so much!
9/12/2020 c33 Wade
Will there be an Excalibur scene from Arthur? We only seen it once in a flashback.
9/12/2020 c1 Drcaus
Fire Emblem Three Houses and Akame ga kill.
Byleth x Edelgard
9/9/2020 c33 Nico
When's the next chapter coming? can't wait!
8/28/2020 c33 Guest
Hi, I really really really love this story, it’s amazing and very well written ( I’ve been rereading it twice in a week— ) ! I hope you’ll update it soon ! Also, great pairing by the way, they’re so cute together.
8/19/2020 c33 Nigg
Damn. This is actual a good story that isn't dead yet. Keep up the good work
7/26/2020 c1 Tin
More update please...
7/15/2020 c33 Guest
Hello, I just want to say I absolutely adore this fic and this pairing. I hope you'll continue writing it!
6/25/2020 c33 Tenma Kirin
Continue, pls!
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